This Vegan Strawberry Layer Cake is a healthy super delicious treat. Imagine layers of beautifully soft sponge with pieces of strawberries layered with smooth vanilla cashew frosting and fresh strawberries. So refreshing and light and rich at the same time.
How I made this cake so wholesome and healthy
In this Vegan Strawberry Layer Cake I used oat and buckwheat flour for oats and buckwheat are such healthy and wholesome ingredients that are gluten free, rich in fiber, good carbs, fats and protein. The softness and richness gave it extra virgin olive oil . If you’re wondering if you can taste it in the cake, my answer is no 😉
My other incentive was to avoid wheat that doesn’t sit well with me, and so many others. Also to make it a bit different in sea of wheat flour desserts. And a bit different to my usual favourite combos of flours: rice + spelt and rice + buckwheat.
If you a cake lover like me, check out some of my favorites:
What you need to make this super delicious healthy vegan cake
- a high speed blender for the frosting – ideally. I use Electrolux Explore 7 – you can use less powerful ones or an immersion blender but the frosting won’t be as smooth
- 3 identical cake pans 20cm in diameter – or use two and divide the batter in two (you will have to bake them bit longer / around 20 minutes
- I prefer baking my cakes on Plus Steam mode in my Electrolux oven for they rise better and are softer and more moist.
- I usually don’t buy buckwheat or oat four. I go with grinding oat flakes and buckwheat groats in coffee grinder. So much more wholesome for being freshly ground, and cheaper
- You can sub the one of the flours with rice or spelt flour
- sub olive oil with coconut oil
- I used agave syrup but you can sub with maple syrup
Here’s how I assembled the cake:
Now that you know how to assemble this cake let’s go to the recipe.
Vegan Strawberry Layer Cake
- Dry ingredients:
- 1 cup oat flour
- 1/2 cup almond meal or ground almonds
- 1 cup buckwheat flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp baking powder – organic and aluminium free
- 2/3 tsp Himalayan salt
- 1/3 cup olive oil extra virgin
- zest of one lemon around 2-3 tsp
- Wet Ingredients:
- 1.5 cup oat or almond milk
- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 2/3 cup agave or maple syrup
- 1/3 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 tbsp golden flax seed grind them and add 6 tbsp water to make 2 flax eggs
- 3 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp vanilla extract or add 1 tsp powder to dry ingredients
- 1 cup chopped strawberries
- 1 cup sliced strawberries for layering with frosting
- Frosting:
- 1 cup cashew nuts presoaked and rinsed
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/2 cup agave syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract or powder
- pinch of salt
- 3 tbsp lemon juice
- Soak the cashews in water for 3 hours in advance
- Preheat the oven on 175°C / 350F
- For baking I prefer using Plus Steam mode because it helps the cake rise better and retain the moisture. 
- Mix the milk and cider vinegar and leve to rest
- Grind the almonds and mix them in the bowl with all other dry ingredients
- Grind the flaxseeds and mix them with three times as much water: 2 tbsp flax+6 tbsp water. You will see that what you get will look a lot like a beaten egg
- Mix together the oil, agave with lemon juice
- Mix in the flax and oil mixture with a spoon into dry ingredients, then add milk and mix again. Do it gently, do not over mix it because if you do it too harsh the cake could turn out chewy.
- Gently fold in the strawberries.
- The batter should be fairly thick but still pourable
- Pour it into three 20 cm pans and bake for 15 minutes.
- Test the cake with the tooth pick. When the cake is done it should come out clean, just with a few crumbs but no batter on it.
- Leave it to cool completely.
- Prepare the cashew cream: blend all the ingredients in a high speed blender until very smooth. For the purpose I use Electrolux Explore 7 blender. Refrigerate to cool.
- When the cake is cooled down and frosting has firmed up, you can assemble the cake
- It will keep in the fridge for 3-4 days
And not to miss my upcoming recipes, you can subscribe to updates up on the right side 😉
Kolač od jagoda i vanilije / bez pšenice
Zamislite slojeve mekanog sočnog biskvita, jagoda i kreme od vanilije. Toliko mekanog i sočnog da se topi u ustima, a istovremeno tako lagan i bogat. Jesam li sve rekla? Još ću vam reći da je osim toga i cjelovit, napravljen s zobenim i heljdinim brašnom i maslinovim uljem.
Pogledajte u engleskom receptu kako složiti slojeve.
Ono što trebate za ovaj recept:
- Blender – ja koristim snažni Electrolux Explore 7
- Tri kalupa za biskvit od 20 cm – ili pecite u dva puta
- Ja obavezno pečem kolače na Plus Steam modu u mojoj Electrolux pećnici jer mi budu sočniji i bolje se dignu
Pogledajte recepte za još finih kolača:
Recept za Kolač od jagoda i vanilije
Vrijeme pripreme: 30 min + 15 min za pečenje
Količina za 10 šniti
za biskvit
suhi sastojci:
- 1 šalica zobenog brašna
- 1/2 šalice mljevenih badema
- 1 heljdinog brašna
- 1 žličica sode bikarbone
- 1 žličice praška za pecivo bez aluminija / bilo koji BIO
- 2/3 žličice himalajske soli
- 1 žličica praha burbon vanilije ili ekstrakta – njega dodajte u mokre sastojke
- korica jednog limuna / to je 2 – 3 žličice naribane korice
- 1 šalica narezanih jagoda
mokri sastojci:
- 1.5 šalica zobenog ili bademovog mlijeka
- 2 žličice prirodnog jabučnog octa
- 1/2 šalica agavinog sirupa
- 1/3 šalice ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja
- 2 žlice zlatnog lana + 6 žlica vode
- 3 žlice soka od limuna
- 1 šalica jagoda narezanih na ploške za slaganje s kremom
Sastojci za kremu
- 2 šalice indijskih oraščića
- 1/2 šalice vode
- 1/2 šalice agavinog sirupa
- 3 žlice limuna
- 1 žličica vanilije
- Zagrijte pećnicu na 180°C. Obično pečem kolače na Plus Steam parnom modu jer se bolje dignu i budu sočniji.
- Indijske oraščiće namočite u zasoljenoj vodi ( 3- 6 sati). Zatim ih dobro isperite i ocijedite.Tako će biti mekši i dobit ćete glađu i finiju kremicu.
- Stavite jabučni ocat u mlijeko i promiješajte. Pustite da odstoji dok pripremite ostale suhe i mokre sastojke.
- Sameljite bademe pomiješajte ih u zdjeli sa svim ostalim suhim sastojcima. Za mljevenje orašastih polodova najčešće koristim sjeckalicu koja je došla uz moj štapni mikser, a koju i inače koristim kad god trebam food processor.
- Sameljite lan u mlincu za kavu ili u sjeckalici (naglašavam da treba biti što finije samljeven) i pomiješajte u zdjelici s dvostruko više vode. Vidjet ćete kako lan dobiva konzistenciju razmućenog jajeta. I napomena: nemojte kupovati samljeveni lan. Lan sadrži puno omega 3 masnih kiselina koje vrlo lako oksidiraju. Drugim riječima, takav lan će brzo izgubiti nutritivne vrijednosti i užegnuti.
- Pomiješajte ulje sa sirupom i sokom od limuna.
- Umiješajte lan i smjesu ulja i sirupa u suhe sastojke. Lagano promiješajte, dodajte mlijeko malo po malo i ponovno promiješajte. Nemojte prežustro miješati da biskvit ne bi bio žilav.
- Kad je smjesa uglavnom jednolična, umiješajte nasjeckane jagode.
- Dobivena smjesa treba biti prilično gusta, ali da se ipak može preliti u kalup uz pomoć špatule. Slobodno isprobajte sirovu smjesu kako biste provjerili je li dovoljno slatka i ukusna. Ako vam je nedovoljno slatka, slobodno dodajte još malo sirupa, a ako vam se čini da je nedovoljno ukusna, dodajte još mrvicu soli i limunovog soka i zasladite ako vam je nedovoljno slatka.
- Ulijte smjesu u tri kalupa od 20 cm obložena masnim papirom i pecite 15 minuta, ovisno o jačini pećnice.
- Kolač je gotov kad dobije zlatno smeđu boju i lagano popuca povrhu. Je li se ispekao možete provjeriti tako da umetnete čačkalicu u njega. Ukoliko izađe čista (samo malo masna i eventualno s mrvicama), kolač je gotov. Ako se s nje slijeva tekućina, kolač se još mora peći.
- Kolač ohladite i pripremite kremu.
- Za ovaj korak najbolje je koristiti dobar blender. Ako nemate, možete i štapni mikser ali kremica neće biti tako glatka.
- Dobro operite oraščiće i izblendajte sa svim ostalim sastojcima dok ne dobijete potpuno glatku kremu. Vodu dodajte postupno, dok ne dobijete potpuno glatku smjesu. Možda vam niti ne bude potrebna cijela količina.
- Pogledajte u engleskoj verziji kako posložiti kolač
Ako ste probali ovaj kolač ili neki drugi recept s mog bloga, ostavite komentar ispod. Veselit će me znati jesu li vam se svidjeli.
Ako vas zanimaju moji recepti, subscrajbajte se na newsletter pa ćete dobiti link u inbox na nove objave 😉
Marina Marjanac
Thank you so much for sharing this recipe!!!
I made for my b-day and it was a hit!! It was a mixed group of vegan, gluten free and non vegan/gluten free people and everyone loved the cake equally! My friend was also surprised how fluffy the cake was even though it’s gluten free. It was perfect!!! 😀
The only change I made is that I added red and black currants as well as blueberries and raspberries. The combination of the sour berries and the sweet cashew cream was amaaazing!!
Definitely recommend!
Hvalaaa punooo, recept je predobar!! 😀
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Dear Marina,
thank you SO MUCH:) I’m so happy everybody liked it. Your additions sound amazing 🙂
Hvala <3
Dali ste ikad probali ovo kao kolac, dakle kao 1 biskvit? Pravila bi kolac i preko stavila voce, dali treba nesto izmijeniti u receptu onda?
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Može biti kao kolač. Vjerujem da bi bio odličan.
Možete uzeti veći kalup tako da ne biskvit ne bude predebeo jer se neće dobro ispeći. I trebate ga onda i malo dulje peći.