Jump to RecipeThis Double Chocolate Vegan Cake is for true chocolate lovers a dream come true. It is as healthy as it is delicious. Vegan, wheat free, refined sugar free and full of goodness.
I can never get tired of coming up with new baked vegan cake recipes, cause you know that I myself prefer them over raw ones. Not that I don’t like the raw ones, they are just too strong, overpowering for me. I can have just a tiny bit and I’m full.
Is this Double Chocolate Vegan Cake raw or baked cake?
This Double Vegan Chocolate Cake is actually a compromise. A vegan sponge and a raw cashew cream frosting. I find it to be just a right amount of rich decadent cashew cream frosting and a delicious and light baked sponge.
Rules to making a vegan sponge cake
Making a vegan sponge is easy, and if you obey the rules, it’s no fail! I promise, always works like a charm.
- prepare dry ingredients ingredients and wet ingredients separately
- mix them gently to make the batter. This way you will get a soft fluffy cake, and not a chewy texture.
- Don’t let the batter to stay too long before baking.
- The cake will be most delicious: moist and soft, after a day or two
What do you use instead of eggs in this Double Chocolate Vegan Cake
I use flax seeds for binding the batter while the reaction between apple cider vinegar and baking soda will “rise” the cake. Don’t get scared of tasting the vinegar in the cake! You don’t, not at all. I promise
What kind of oil and flour do you use in vegan sponge cake?
- I use either coconut oil or extra-virgin olive oil
- my favourite flour is rice, buckwheat and spelt for I try to avoid wheat flour whenever I can. In this cake I used rice and spelt flour.
- Spelt flour is sifted to make it lighter since this way we remove the bran. If you use whole spelt flour the cake might be too “heavy”, not rise well and have too a strong a flavour.
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Double Chocolate Vegan Cake
- Chocolate Sponge
- Dry ingredients
- 1 cup brown rice flour
- 1 cup sifted spelt flour optionally use all purpose wheat flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 6 tbsp cocoa
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 tsp vanilla powder
- Wet ingredients
- 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
- 1 cup agave syrup or less if you prefer less sweet cakes
- 3 tbsp ground flax + 9 tbsp water = 3 flax eggs
- 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 cup oat or almond milk + 3 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 grated apple
- Cashew Mousse
- 1 cup raw cashews soaked for at least 3 hours
- 2/3 cup water up to 1 cup if you need more to blend it
- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 6 small dates
- 1/4 cup cocoa butter
- 4 tbsp cocoa
- 1/3 – 1/2 cup agave syrup
- pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 tsp
vanilla powder – optional
- Turn on the oven to 175 Celsius or 350F
- Mix the milk and cider vinegar and leave to stand
- Sift the flours and mix them in a bowl with all other dry ingredients
- Grind the flaxseeds and mix them with water.
- Mix oil, agave syrup and lemon juice
- Mix flax and oil mixture with a spoon and add into dry ingredients, then add milk and mix again. Do it gently, do not over mix it because if you do it too harsh the cake could turn out chewy. Fold in the grated apple. Alternatively you can use apple sauce (say, 1/2 cup)
- The batter should be fairly thick but still pourable
- Pour the ready batter into a lined cake tin (I used 24cm tin to get a higher cake, but 27cm is for a “normal”cake )
- Bake for 35-40 minutes. Baking time will depend on the thickness of the batter. In a wider pan the batter will be thiner and will require shorter baking time.
- Test the cake with the tooth pick. When it’s done the tooth pick should come out clean
- Prepare the frosting: drain and wash the cashews and place them in the blender.
- Melt cocoa paste in a bowl over the pot with boiling water.
- Add it to cashews and the rest of the ingredients besides cocoa powder.
- Blend until smooth. It’s best to use a professional blender to get a very smooth consistency without needing to water it down too much
- Add cocoa powder and blend until nicely incorporated
- Leave it in the fridge until it firms up
- When the sponge is cooled down you can assemble the cake.
- It will keep in the fridge for 7 days or longer.
Duplo čokoladna torta
Kad imate mekani i sočni čokoladni biskvit i dodate mu bogatu čokoladnu kremu, dobili ste savršenu čokoladnu tortu, san svakog čokoladoljupca. A kad su još unutra cjeloviti sastojci poput rižinog i pirovog brašna, kokosovog ulja, kakaa, lana i čak i jabuka, ne može bolje, zar ne!?
A tek ova krema od indijskih oraščića, tako bogata i kremasta…
Pravila za biskvitne veganske kolače
- stavite odvojeno suhe i mokre sastojke
- zasebno pomiješajte mlijeko s octom i mljeveni lan s vodom
- zatim ih pažljivo zajedno pomiješate – kuhačom, ne u food processoru ili mikseru – ovo je važno jer bi kolač mogao ispasti žilav
- Kad napravite smjesu, nek ne stoji nego je odmah stavite na pečenje
- Za pečenje kolača uvijek koristim pečenje na pari u svojoj Electrolux SteamPro pećnici jer to pomaže da se kolač ljepše digne te da ostane sočan iznutra a da dobije finu koricu izvana. A za što je sve parna pećnica genijalna, pogledajte na linku. Samo ću vam reći da kruh bude fino hrskav, povrće ima divnu koricu a sočno je iznutra…
Evo i recept… a ako vam se sviđaju moji recepti, možete se subscribati gore desno pa ću vam povremeno poslati link na nove recepte 😉
za kalup od 20 cm, 24cm ili 26 cm
Suhi sastojci:
- 1 šalica rižinog brašna
- 1 šalica prosijanog pirovog brašna (T-850, a možete koristiti i pšenično T-850), a za gluten free verziju – heljdinog
- 1 žličica praška za pecivo
- 1 žličica sode bikarbone
- 1/2 žličice Himalajske soli (ili malo manje morske)
- 6 žlica kakaa
- 1 žlica chia sjemenki
- 1/2 žličice vanilije
Mokri sastojci
- 3 žlice samljevenog lana + 9 žlica vode
- 1/2 šalice kokosovog ulja
- 1 šalica agavinog ili javorovog sirupa
- 1 žlica soka od limuna
- 1 šalica zobenog ili bademovog mlijeka s 2 žličice jabučnog octa
- 1 naribana jabuka
Krema od indijskih oraščića
- 1 šalica namočenih indijskih oraščića
- 2/3 šalice vode
- 2 žlice chia sjemenki
- 6 datulja
- 1/4 šalice kakao maslaca – rastopiti na pari
- 4 žlice kakaa
- 1/3 šalice agavinog sirupa
- prstohvat soli
- 1 žlica soka od limuna
- Upalite pećnicu na 175 stupnjeva
- Stavite jabučni ocat u mlijeko i promiješajte. Pustite da odstoji dok pripremite ostale suhe i mokre sastojke
- Sameljite lan u mlincu za kavu ili u sjeckalici i pomiješajte u zdjelici s trostruko više vode. Vidjet ćete kako lan dobiva konzistenciju razmućenog jajeta.
- Pomiješajte ulje, agavin sirup i sok od limuna u posudici.
- Stavite u zdjelu suhe sastojke
- Naribajte jabuke
- Umiješajte lan i smjesu ulja i agave u suhe sastojke. Lagano promiješajte i zatim dodajte mlijeko. Mlijeko ide zadnje radi izazivanja reakcije između sode bikarbone i octa koja podiže kolač. Pažljivo promiješajte. I ovo je važno jer ako prežustro miješate, kolač bi mogao ispasti žilav.
- Kad je smjesa uglavnom jednolična, umiješajte jabuke. Dobivena smjesa treba biti prilično gusta ali da se ipak može preliti u kalup. Slobodno isprobajte sirovu smjesu da vidite je li dovoljno slatka. Ako vam se čini da nije dovoljno ukusna, dodajte još malo soka od limuna.
- Ulijte smjesu u kalup obložen masnim papirom i pecite 35-40 minuta, ovisno o jačini pećnice i debljini smjese u kalupu. Što je kalup manji, smjesa će biti deblja i duže će se peći. Ja sam koristila kalup od 20 cm. Za veći kalup skratite vijeme pečenja na otprilike 30 minuta.
- Preporučam veći kalup, od 24 ili 26 cm jer će se kolač brže i jednoličnije ispeći.
Ja koristim STEAM Bake (ili način za pečenje na pari) u svojoj Electrolux Steam Pro pećnici jer to pomaže da se kolač ljepše digne te da ostane sočan iznutra a da dobije finu koricu izvana:) - Kolač je gotov kad lagano popuca po vrhu. Provjerite dal se ispekao tako da umetnete čačkalicu u njega i ako izadje čista (samo malo masna i s mrvicama), kolač je gotov.
- Kolač ohladite i pripremite kremu.
- Dobro operite oraščiće i izblendajte sa svim ostalim sastojcima osim kakaa, dok ne dobijete potpuno glatku kremu. Zatim dodajte kakao i još kratko izblendajte.
- Ohladite je da se stisne i namažite ohlađeni kolač odozgora.