This Vegan Carrot Cake is perfectly spiced and incredibly moist. Topped with creamy vegan cashew frosting, really simple to make and fail safe! Once you find out how easy this Vegan Carrot Cake is to make, you will find yourself making it over and over again.
For not only it is delicious, but it is also:
- healthy and wholesome
- gluten free
- wheat free
- refined sugar free – sweetened with agave or maple syrup
- rich in fibre, healthy carbs and fats
- vegan
Why I love this Carrot Cake so much
I love this particular cake because it’s my take on making a classic carrot, just healthier and even more delicious. This is actually a variation of my Hazelnut Carrot Cake which is one of most popular recipes on my blog, for I wanted to create a gluten free version as well. Hazelnut one is made with spelt flour and here I went with buckwheat. And I spiced this one a bit more using cinnamon, ginger, cloves and vanilla. Also I used almonds instead of hazelnuts, and added chopped walnuts for more amazing texture.

How I made a healthier version of a classic
To make a healthier version of a classic cake, instead of butter I used coconut oil, substituted all purpose wheat flour with rice and buckwheat flour, and sweetened it with agave syrup. As usual, instead of eggs I used flax seeds (flax egg) for binding, and reaction between apple cider vinegar and baking soda that makes the cake “rise”. The result was a very fragrant, rich, soft and moist cake, also very aromatic, predominantly tasting of cinnamon, vanilla and lemon. So now you know why I love it so much.
Imortant tips to making baked vegan cakes
- For this type of vegan cake I always prepare dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately, then mix them together to make the batter.
- When mixing the two together, be very gentle and do not over mix the batter. If you do you may end up with a chewy cake, or it may fall in the middle…none of the results you’re after, so no food processors, blenders or mixers please. Just use a spatula to mix it in a bowl really gently until incorporated. It doesn’t have to be very smooth, a few lumps is ok 😉
- Also, when the batter is ready, put it in the oven right away. Don’t let it stand too long.
- Time of baking will depend of the thickness of the batter in the pan. Here I used 23 x 13 cm, 8 cm tall. That is 9 x 5 x 3 inch. I filled it a little over half way for the cake. And baked it for 38 minutes. Best is to check with a tooth pick wether it is done (it should come out just a bit wet/greasy, not covered in batter). Watch the story highlights on my Instagram for the complete video tutorial.
- You can use your liquid sweetener of choice and substitute agave syrup with maple syrup or date syrup, or honey for non vegan version
- To get buckwheat flour I simply grind buckwheat groats in a coffee grinder or you can use a powerful blender. You’re getting a more wholesome version for it is freshly ground and much cheaper too.

What you need to make this recipe
- a blender to make the frosting – I use Electrolux Explore 7 blender – alternatively use an immersion blender though it won’t be as smooth-
- an oven (obviously 😉 – my note here is that I bake on Plus Steam mode in my Electrolux oven because using that technology the cake will be even more moist and it will rise better.
- Something to grind almonds in / food processor or a blender. I usually go with my small food processor
- that is also great for making nut butters and my No-tella (a healthy version of Nutella)

I think you’re ready for the recipe guys 😉
[recipe-foody] Preparation Time: 30 minutes + 40 minutes baking time
For 23 x 13 x 8 cm loaf pan, 9 x 5 x 3 inch – 12 servings
- 1 cup rice flour
- 1 cup almond meal or ground almonds (around 2/3 cup whole)
- 1 cup buckwheat flour
- 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp baking powder – organic and aluminium free
- 1 tsp Himalayan salt
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp ginger powder
- 1/4 tsp ground cloves (or use nutmeg instead)
- zest of one lemon (2-3 tsp)
- 1.5 cup oat or almond milk
- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 2/3 – 1 cup agave or maple syrup
- 1/2 cup coconut oil (melted)
- 2 tbsp golden flax seed (grind them and all 6 tbsp water to make 2 flax eggs)
- 2-3 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp vanilla extract (or add 1 tsp powder to dry ingredients)
- 1 cup grated carrot – squeezed and tightly packed
- 1 cup cashew nuts
- 1/3 cup pitted and tightly packed dates
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract or powder
- 2/3 cup of water
- pinch of salt
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 2-3 tbsp maple or agave syrup – as needed
- You will need to soak the cashews in water for 3 hours prior to blending
- Preheat the oven on 175°C / 350F
- For baking I prefer using Plus Steam mode because it helps the cake rise better and retain the moisture.
- Mix the milk and cider vinegar and lead to stand
- Grind the almonds and mix them in the bowl with all other dry ingredients
- Grind the flaxseeds and mix them with twice as much water: 2 tbsp flax+6 tbsp water. You will see that what you get will look a lot like a beaten egg
- Mix melted oil, agave or maple syrup with lemon juice – you can melt the coconut oil really easily – just place the jar in hot water or place it in the oven while it’s heating for baking
- Grate the carrot and squeeze the extra liquid out. You need to have a very tightly packed 1 cup of grated carrots. Squeezing the liquid out will prevent the cake from getting mushy but still it will be very moist
- Mix flax and oil mixture with a spoon into dry ingredients, then add milk and mix again. Do it gently, do not over mix it because if you do it too harsh the cake could turn out chewy.
- Mix in the carrot. The batter should be fairly thick but still pourable
- Pour it into the lined pan and bake for 35-40 minutes. If you’re using a smaller pan, you might need to bake for longer because the cake will be thicker,
- Test the cake with the tooth pick. When the cake is done it should come out clean, just with a few crumbs but no batter on it. Leave it to cool completely.
- Prepare the cashew cream: blend all the ingredients in a high speed blender until very smooth. For the purpose I use Electrolux Explore 7 blender. Refrigerate to cool.
- When the cake is cooled down and frosting has firmed up, you can assemble the cake. Sprinkle some chopped walnuts on top for decoration and added crunchiness[/recipe-foody]
Kolač od mrkve

Opet je vrijeme za kolače, a ovaj kolač od mrkve mi je baš nekako uskršnji, iako bih ga mogla jesti svaki dan, od doručka nadalje 😉 A zašto ne, kad je osim što je prefin i sočan uz to i zdrav, cjelovit, gluten free, a bogat vlaknima, dobrim ugljikohidratima, proteinima i zdravim masnoćama iz kokosovog ulja i orašastih plodova.
Najjednostavnije rečeno, ovo vam je bolja i zdravija verzija klasičnog kolača od mrkve. Probajte, oduševit ćete se 😉
Možete ga peći i u okruglom kalupu za tortu (26 cm za ovu količinu) a ako biste radije verziju s prženim lješnjacima, i jednako tako ukusnu, probajte Kolač od mrkve s lješnjacima
Ono što trebate za ovaj kolač
- Pećnica (naravno 😉 – ovdje samo napomena da ja koristim pečenje na paru Plus Steam mode u svojoj Electrolux pećnici Tako mi kolači budu još sočniji i super se dignu
- Blender – ja koristim Electrolux Explore 7 – u nedostatku istog možete koristiti i štapni mikser iako kremca s njim nikad ne ispadne tako dobra. Takodjer je super rješenje manji blender koji je i povoljniji – Mali Explore 7
- kalup za pečenje – ja sam koristila kalup za kruh kako bi dobila štrucu (23 x 13 x 8 cm ) ali slobodno možete koristiti i okrugli za tortu od 26cm
- Da bih dobila brašno od heljde, jednostavno sameljem sirovu heljdu u mlincu za kavu – jeftinije i kvalitetnije rješenje

Jeste spremni za recept? Btw. ako vam se sviđaju moji recepti, možete se subscribati gore desno i dobit ćete obavijest i link na nove recepte kad ih objavim 😉

[recipe-foody] Priprema: 30 min + 35 – 40 min za pečenje
Broj porcija: za kalup za tortu od 26 cm ili kalup za kruh 23 x 13 x 8 , 12 šniti
Sastojci za biskvit
- 1 šalica rižinog brašna
- 1 šalica mljevenih badema – 2/3 šalice cijelih prije mljevenja
- 1 heljdinog brašna
- 1/2 šalice oraha
- 1 žličica sode bikarbone
- 1/2 žličice praška za pecivo bez aluminija / bilo koji BIO
- 1 žličica himalajske soli
- 1 žličica praha burbon vanilije ili ekstrakta – njega dodajte u mokre sastojke
- 1/2 žličice cimeta
- 1/4 žličice mljevenog đumbira
- 1/4 žličice mljevenih klinčića ( ili malo muškatnog oraščića)
- korica jednog limuna
- 1.5 šalica zobenog ili bademovog mlijeka
- 1 žličica prirodnog jabučnog octa
- 2/3 do 1 šalica agavinog sirupa – zavisno koliko slatko volite
- 1/2 šalice ulja (ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ili kokosovo, rastopljeno)
- 2 žlice zlatnog lana + 6 žlica vode
- 1 šalica naribane mrkve – dobro iscijeđene i utisnute u šalicu – takva 1 šalica
- 3 žlice soka od limuna
Za kremu
- 1 šalica indijskih oraščića
- 1/3 šalice datulja bez koštice – to mi je bilo jedno 8 manjih
- pola žličice praha vanilije ili ekstrakta
- prstohvat cimeta
- 2/3 šalice vode
- prstohvat soli
- 2 žlice soka od limuna
- 2-3 žlice javorovog ili agavinog sirupa – ako treba
- Zagrijte pećnicu na 180°C. Obično pečem kolače na Plus Steam parnom modu jer se bolje dignu i budu sočniji.
- Indijske oraščiće namočite u zasoljenoj vodi ( 3- 6 sati). Zatim ih dobro isperite i ocijedite.Tako će biti mekši i dobit ćete glađu i finiju kremicu.
- Stavite jabučni ocat u mlijeko i promiješajte. Pustite da odstoji dok pripremite ostale suhe i mokre sastojke.
- Sameljite bademe pomiješajte ih u zdjeli sa svim ostalim suhim sastojcima. Za mljevenje orašastih polodova najčešće koristim sjeckalicu koja je došla uz moj štapni mikser, a koju i inače koristim kad god trebam food processor.
- Sameljite lan u mlincu za kavu ili u sjeckalici (naglašavam da treba biti što finije samljeven) i pomiješajte u zdjelici s dvostruko više vode. Vidjet ćete kako lan dobiva konzistenciju razmućenog jajeta. I napomena: nemojte kupovati samljeveni lan. Lan sadrži puno omega 3 masnih kiselina koje vrlo lako oksidiraju. Drugim riječima, takav lan će brzo izgubiti nutritivne vrijednosti i užegnuti.
- Pomiješajte ulje sa sirupom i sokom od limuna. Kokosovo ulje, prethodno trebate rastopiti – jednostavno stavite teglicu u pećnicu dok se zagrijava ili u zdjelu s vrućom vodom.
- Naribajte i iscijedite mrkvu, sok možete popiti
- Umiješajte lan i smjesu ulja i sirupa u suhe sastojke. Lagano promiješajte, dodajte mlijeko malo po malo i ponovno promiješajte. Nemojte prežustro miješati da biskvit ne bi bio žilav.
- Kad je smjesa uglavnom jednolična, umiješajte naribanu i iscijeđenu mrkvu. Dobivena smjesa treba biti prilično gusta, ali da se ipak može preliti u kalup uz pomoć špatule. Slobodno isprobajte sirovu smjesu kako biste provjerili je li dovoljno slatka i ukusna. Ako vam je nedovoljno slatka, slobodno dodajte još malo sirupa, a ako vam se čini da je nedovoljno ukusna, dodajte još mrvicu soli i limunovog soka i zasladite ako vam je nedovoljno slatka.
- Ulijte smjesu u kalup obložen masnim papirom i pecite 35-40 minuta, ovisno o jačini pećnice. Inače će vrijeme pečenja ovisiti o debljini smjese u kalupu. Ja sam ga napunila na malo više od pola i pekla 38 minuta. Kolač je gotov kad dobije zlatno smeđu boju i lagano popuca povrhu. Je li se ispekao možete provjeriti tako da umetnete čačkalicu u njega. Ukoliko izađe čista (samo malo masna i eventualno s mrvicama), kolač je gotov. Ako se s nje slijeva tekućina, kolač se još mora peći.
- Kolač ohladite i pripremite kremu.
- Za ovaj korak najbolje je koristiti dobar blender. Ako nemate, možete i štapni mikser ali kremica neće biti tako glatka. Dobro operite oraščiće i izblendajte sa svim ostalim sastojcima dok ne dobijete potpuno glatku kremu.
- Vodu dodajte postupno, dok ne dobijete potpuno glatku smjesu. Možda vam niti ne bude potrebna cijela količina.
- Dobro ohladite kremicu i namažite potpuno ohlađeni kolač odozgora.
- Ako ste radili kolač u manjem kalupu pa vam je ispao viši, možete ga i prepoloviti pa namazati i iznutra. Možete još posuti odozgora s mljevenim lješnjacima.[/recipe-foody]
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