These Fluffy Vegan Savoury Pancakes are so soft and delicious, perfect for a healthy breakfast or snack, even light lunch or dinner. It just comes to add ons that will make it a light or more substantial meal.
I love them with tahini sauce and avocado slices or mash, or (as weird as it may seem) with tahini and sauerkraut – I nudge you to try it, you might be surprised how delicious it is.

Or serve them with stir fried veggies and tofu if you’re aiming for dinner. With a side of a big salad, it will be a nutritious and satisfying meal.
They can also be sweet pancakes. Just omit the spices and maybe add 1 or 2 tsp syrup. They are as they are pretty neutral in taste, just the add ons make them either savoury or sweet.

What do I need to make these Fluffy Vegan Savoury Pancakes
- Spelt flour
- Oats
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Chia Seeds
- Seasonings: salt, pepper, chilli, coriander seed powder
- Unsweetened milk / I used oat milk
- Maple syrup or some other sweetener
- Baking soda
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- optional add ons: vegan cheese, chopped spring onions, chopped parsley leaves
These Fluffy Vegan Savoury Pancakes are:
- Wheat Free
- Vegan
- Nutritious
- Contain loads of good fibre – soluble and insoluble
- Contain healthy fats and carbs
- Simple to make
- and so delicious
How do I make these Fluffy Vegan Savoury Pancakes
You’ll need less then 15 minutes to whip up the batter, and then you just need to cook them. You can also reserve the batter for the next days – it can keep in the fridge up to 3 days at least.
- Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl, mix them.
- Then add milk, water, apple cider vinegar and oil.
- Mix carefully, just to get it into the batter. A few lumps left is totally fine.
- Leave it 15 minutes to rest before cooking
- Heat the nonstick pan or cast iron pan on medium to low flame, grease it with oil (I used coconut)
- Use u tbsp batter for each pancake
- Cook for about 2 minutes until the bubbles start forming on top, flip and cook another minute
What is important to making vegan pancakes
- Do not overmix the batter – if you do, the pancakes might come out chewy instead of fluffy. It is totally fine to have some lumps left in the batter
- Leave the batter to rest a bit before cooking so there’s enough time for baking soda and vinegar to do their job and for chia to bind the batter instead of eggs
- Cook the pancakes on low to medium flame not to burn them
Possible substitutes
- sub spelt flour with gluten free mix or with whole purpose flour
- sub olive oil with coconut oil
- you can use baking powder instead of baking soda
- sub chia seeds with same amount of ground flax seeds
If you’re a pancake lover, you might like these sweet ones too:
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Fluffy Savoury Vegan Pancakes
- Dry Ingredients
- 1.5 cup spelt four
- 1 cup oats
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 – 2/3 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp chilli
- 1/2 tsp coriander seed powder
- Wet Ingredients
- 1 cup unsweetened milk – I used oat
- 2/3 cup water
- 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 tsp maple syrup – or some other sweetener
- Place all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix
- Mix all wet ingredients in a separate bowl and add to dry
- Fold together carefully. It is important to not overmix the batter, a few lumps is fine
- Now fold in the optional add ons – chopped onions, parsley or shredded vegan cheese
- Leave 15 minutes to rest
- Heat up a non stick or cast iron pan on low to medium flame
- Use 2 tbsp or half a ladle of batter for each pancake
- Cook 2 minutes on one side – until bubbles start to form
- Flip and cook another minute or two until nice and golden
- sub spelt four with whole purpose or gluten free mix
- sub olive oil with coconut oil
- use same amount of ground flax seeds instead of chia seeds
- use baking powder instead of baking soda
Slane palačinke od zobi i pirovog brašna

Meni palačinke nisu nužno desert. A i ja sam više za slano nego slatko pa mi je ovo jedan od omiljenih doručaka: slane palačinke s tahinijem i avokadom ili tahinijem i kiselim kupusom (znam, zvuči grozno, ali meni je prefino – probajte 🙂 možda se iznenadite..

Ako ih poslužite uz nešto konkretnije poput povrća iz woka ili nekom mahunarkom i povrćem, uz još zdjelu salate bit će i fina večerica ili ručak.
A zapravo mogu biti i slatke. Možete jednostavno izostaviti čili i korijander. Eventualno dodati još malo sirupa iako nije nužno, i poslužiti s pekmezom ili nečim drugim slatkim.
Smjesu je vrlo jednostavno napraviti:
- Bit ćete gotovi za 15 tak minuta
- Možete dodati začine koje želite, ja sam, dodala svoje omiljene: čili i korijander prah
- Također slobodno na kraju u smjesu dodajte narezani mladi luk i naribani (veganski) sir da budu još bogatije
Bitno za naglasiti:
- Budite niježni prema tijestu – lagano umiješajte mokre u suhe sastojke – inače bi palačinke mogle ispasti žilave
- Pustite smjesu da odstoji 15-tak minuta prije pečenja palačinki

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Slane palačinke od zobi i pirovog brašna
za 10 komada
Suhi sastojci:
- 1.5 šalica pirovog brašna / 200g
- 1 šalica sitnih zobenih pahuljica / 100g
- 1 žlica chia sjemenki
- 1 žličica sode bikarbone
- 1/2 – 2/3 žličice soli
- 1/2 žličice čilija – ili po želji
- 1/2 žličice praha korijandera
Mokri sastojci:
- 1 šalica zobenog mlijeka / 240ml
- 2/3 šalice vode / 160ml
- 2 žlice maslinovog ulja
- 1 žličica javorovog sirupa
- 1/2 žličice jabučnog octa
- narezani mladi luk
- narezani peršin
- naribani (veganski) sir
- Stavite sve suhe sastojke u zdjelu i promiješajte ih
- Pomiješajte mokre sastojke u drugoj zdjeli i dodajte ih suhima
- Pažljivo i niježno promiješajte kuhačom samo da se smjesa poveže
- Sad umiješajte dodatke ako koristite
- Ostavite bar 15 minuta smjesu da odstoji prije pečenja
- Zagrijte tavu na laganoj vatri. Namažite je uljem (ja sam koristila kokosovo) i pecite palačinke na laganoj vatri.
- Za svaku palačinku koristite pola šeflje ili 2 žlice smjese
- Pecite oko 2 minute s jedne strane pa još minutu-dvije s druge
- Prijedlozi za serviranje: tahini i avokado, tahini i kiseli kupus, hummus i avokado, povrće iz woka, tofu i povrće iz woka
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