These Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies are the easiest cookies you’ll ever make! They’re so incredibly fluffy and soft you won’t believe they’re also wholesome, vegan, grain free and refined sugar free.

The easiest cookie recipe you’ll ever make
These Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies will literally take you 10 minutes to whip up, you do not even need a bowl as you will mix them up in a food processor in literally three steps and then you just have to wait another 20 minutes for them to bake and then cool down a bit to dig in 🙂
Yes, it is that easy.

4 basic ingredients recipe
If you count out salt, baking powder and vanilla, these Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies are literally a 4 ingredient recipe.
The basic ingredients are:
- cooked beans – use any light coloured and buttery kind. I’ve used white coloured beans (I think they’re called navy beans) in this batch. You can see them in method in pictures.
- almond butter – I used my homemade, check the super easy recipe here
- maple syrup or some other liquid sweetener of choice
- chocolate chips – you don’t necessarily need to buy chocolate chips. You can simply chop dark chocolate into tiny squares using a sharp knife.

What do I need to make these Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies
And in therms of the appliances you’ll need:
- a food processor or a blender
- an oven – I use Plus Steam Mode and Ventilation Mode in my Electrolux oven for these cookies
Plus Steam Mode is great for getting baked (and roast) goods to rise better and to stay soft inside while nice and crisp on the outside. Here I baked the cookies 10 minutes on Plus Steam Mode and then 5 minutes on Fan Assisted Mode to get them to get some nice colour. For most cakes Steam Mode is enough to get a nice golden colour too.
If you do not have a Plus Steam Mode in your oven, you can use regular bake for first 10 minutes of baking and then Fan Assisted Mode. I don’t recommend going only with Fan Assisted Mode as it will dry out the cookies.
Here is a comparison between baking full 15 minutes on Plus Steam Mode versus 10 min + 5 min on Fan Assisted as I liked them better. My daughter is a team full 15 minutes on Plus Steam Mode (or use regular bake) as they are even softer compared to team 10+5.
On Steam Mode 15 minutes On Steam Mode 10 minutes + 5 minutes on Fan Assisted Mode
In therms of baking utensils, you need:
- a baking tray
- parchment paper
- ice cream scoop – using it you’ll easily perfectly shape the cookies without getting your hands dirty 😉 It’s literally grab and drop on the paper. Just make sure to leave enough space in between as they will almost double in size
How to make these Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies in pictures
- If using canned beans, rinse them and drain them well
- Place all the ingredients besides chocolate chips in a food processor
- Blend ingredients until until smooth
- Then fold in chocolate chips
- Heat the oven to 170 Celsius or 340F – I use Steam Mode for baking these
- Scoop the batter on parchment paper using an ice cream scoop – leave enough space in between to allow them to spread and rise – they will double the width/size. Top with a few more chocolate chips
- Bake them for 10 minutes on Steam Mode (or on regular bake) and then another 5 minutes on Fan Assisted Mode for more colour
For more flourless cookie goodness check out my:
If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask in comments. Also if you happen to try this recipe, or any other recipe from my blog I would love to know how you liked it 🙂
If you’d like to occasionally get links in your email to my new recipes, subscribe above on the right.

Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies
- oven
- Food Processor or blender
- ice cream scoop
- 1.5 cup cooked beans
- 1/2 cup almond butter
- 1/4 cup maple syrup or agave
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips or dark chocolate cut in tiny squares/bits
- Be sure to rinse and drain well the beans if using canned ones
- Start the oven on 170 C or 340F
- Place all ingredients besides chocolate chips in a food processor and blend until smooth
- Fold in chocolate chips
- Using ice cream scoop (or a table spoon) place batter on a parchment paper, leaving enough pace in between for cookies to double in size
- Bake 10 minutes on Steam Mode/Convention Oven and another 5 on Fan Assisted Mode
- Leave to cool for 10-15 minutes to alow them to firm up before lifting them off the paper
- Store in the fridge up to a week
Super jednostavni keksići s komadićima čokolade / bez brašna

Ovo su vjerovatno najjednostavniji keksići koje ćete ikad napraviti. Ne trebate zaprljati niti jednu zdjelu jer ćete smjestu napraviti u blenderu/sjeckalici doslovno u tri koraka. I onda ih treba samo ispeći i pričekati 5 minuta da se malo rashlade. Nekima je i toliko predugo pa mole mogu li navaliti odmah 😉

Keksići su tako genijalni: mekani i prefini, bit će vam teško povjerovati da su praktički grah i bademi s malo javorovog ili agavinog sirupa, a mislim da bi čak i med funkcionirao za vas koji niste vegani.
Doslovno su mali proteinski obrok – ja ih često nosim na trening za post workout mali obrok prije onog konkretnog doma. A i moj trener se uvijek veseli kad ih donesem više 😉
Što mi treba za ove keksiće
Od sastojaka:
- grah – možete ga skuhati sami ili koristiti iz teglice/konzerve. Ako koristite kupovni, dobro ga operite i ocijedite od vode u kojoj je bio jer ona ima taj “grahasti” okus
- bademov maslac – ja radim svoj jer je puno povoljniji a jako ga je jednostavno napraviti. Pogledajte kako ovdje.
- neko prirodno tekuće sladilo – ja koristim javorov ili agavin sirup
- organski prašak za pecivo – imate ga u svim prodavaonicama prirodne hrane – Mueller, Dm, Bio&bio…
- komadići čokolade – ne morate kupiti gotove ako ne možete naći – jednostavno narežite nožem crnu čokoladu na male komadiće
Od aparata:
- blender ili sjeckalica, ili čak štapni mikser za izblendati smjesu
- pećnica – malo sam eksperimentirala s načinima pečenja i najbolje rezultate sam dobila na Plus Steam modu u svojoj Electrolux pećnici
Specifično od pribora:
- jako će vam praktično biti koristiti žlicu za kuglice za sladoled jer ćete s njom najjednostavnije oblikovati smjesu u keksiće bez da isprljate ruke 😉 Samo zagrabite smjesu žlicom, i ispustite je na pleh – i to je to. Možete eventualno utisnuti u svaki još koji komadić čokolade. Ali ako je nemate pronašla sam je za kupiti ovdje i ovdje. Ili jednostavno koristite običnu žlicu za juhu.
Evo i recept
Za 16 većih keksića / 92 kcal po komadu
- 1.5 šalica skuhanog graha
- 1/2 šalice maslaca od badema – ja sam koristila svoj “domaći” – pronađite recept ovdje
- 1/4 šalice javorovog ili agavinog sirupa (ili nekog drugod “sirupastog” sladila
- 1 žlica limunovog soka
- 1/2 žličice organskog praška za pecivo
- 1/2 žličice soli
- 1/2 žličice vanilija praha ili ekstrakta
- 1/2 šalice komadića čokolade
- Stavite u sjeckalicu sve sastojke osim komadića čokolade
- izblendajte
- umiješajte čokoladu
- koristeći žlicu za sladoled ( ili jušnu žlicu) stavite kuglice smjese na pleh obložen papirom za pečenje – pazite da ostavljate dovoljno mjesta između jer će se keksići “raširiti” duplo
- zagrijte pećnicu na 170C i pecite keksiće prvo 10 minuta na Plus Steam modu (ili na “običnoj” pećnici) i onda još 5 minuta na modu s ventilatorom da dobiju lijepu boju.
- Pustite ih da se ohlade bar 5 minuta i navalite 😉
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili ste napraviti recept, pišite mi u komentarima 😉 voljela bih znati kako vam se svidio.
For some reason mine fell apart when picked…. absolutely crumbled …. tasted good though
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Dear Hanna,
I’m so sorry to hear that. I have no idea why that happened. I made these several times and they always come out great, very firm acutaly, not crumbly at all. Are you sure you followed all the measurements and instructions correctly? On top of my head, did you drain well the beans?
Can I ude peanutbutter instead og almond bytter?
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
I haven’t tried but I think you can go with any nut butter of your choosing. Only the flavour will be slightly different.
Maja x