How many times you wondered how to make nut butter, and if you needed a special blender or if it was difficult and time consuming? If you have, this post will answer many your questions.
So, if you’re anything like me (me before actually trying it), you probably thought that it was, both difficult and time consuming, not really worth doing at home. Well, hopefully after you’re done reading this post you’ll be on your way to give it a go yourself 😉
Super simple two ingredient recipe
If you were wondering what’s nut butter made of, I’ll tell you that you need literally only two ingredients: nuts and salt. Or just one if you go for unsalted nut butter. Because nut butter is essentially blended nuts.
Is it cheaper to make homemade nut butter opposed to buying it?
Yes! It’s cheaper but also so much more delicious. I dare say that everything made from scratch at home tastes better and you know exactly what’s inside. No hidden nasties or unwanted ingredients you don’t need.
How long does homemade nut butter last?
I keep mine in the fridge for 2 to 3 weeks. I don’t recommend keeping it on room temperature (unless you keep your place is really cold 😉 ) as the oils may become rancid. You can keep it say up to a week on room temp though. My advice is, make it in small batches as much as you think you’ll use up in few weeks time.
I go with using 1.5 cup nuts each time and that gets me 200ml of nut butter. If you think you need more, you can double or triple the amount.
Do I need a super powerful blender to make nut butter?
In my experience, you don’t. In fact, my nut butter tool is a really affordable small food processor that came with my Electrolux immersion blender. It costs under a 100$ and has been my go to tool for making not only nut butter but also all kinds of spreads (like hummus), pesto, grinding nuts, making raw cake bases and bliss balls…
I myself prefer using food processor when making any kind of thick food for I find it maddening trying to scrape out all of the blended food from the blender cup, trying not to cut myself in the process while trying not to waste a lot of it. Also I think it is unnecessary to wear down the blender in such tasks when there’s a really affordable alternative that does the job perfectly.
How long does it take to make nut butter?
In my inexpensive food processor it takes literally under 5 minutes (I dare say even under 3 minutes). There’s and important tip though…
The Most Important tip: Always use warm nuts when making nut butter
This is a must! Why? Because if you try making it with raw and cold nuts it will take forever! When warm, nuts release the oils easily and thus turn into smooth butter in matter of minutes, while the same process with cold and raw nuts will take you at least half an hour. You’ll need to scrape and blend and again and again. Not my cup of tea 😉
If you want to keep the nuts raw, warm them up up to 40 degrees Celsius and then blend them. I myself also love the roasted flavour of butters so that’s one more incentive to roast them.
Step by step recipe
- Spread the nuts in thin layer on baking tray. Roast them on 150C or 300F for about 15 minutes. Cashews are a bit more sensitive to heat and will be done first.
- When done, let them cool down a bit until warm, cool enough to hold in hand or eat. Be cautious, if they’re too warm they may cause your blender/food processor motor to overheat.
- Place warm nuts – This is important – in the food processor and start blending.
- First they’ll grind, then they’ll start clinging to the sides. There you have to stop and scrape the sides. You’ll need to do this 1 to 3 times. After a minute or so the ground nuts will start clumping as they start releasing oils.
- After another minute or so longer of blending they will start turning into that buttery consistency – it’s kind of a miracle feeling seeing it happening for the first time 😉
- 3 to 5 minutes into blending you should have a gorgeous smooth and thick (cashew) or runny (hazelnut) butter.
Can you make plant milk using nut butter?
A frequently asked question.. Yes you can. Just blend 1 tbsp nut butter with 1 cup water, add some sweetener (like maple syrup or agave syrup) and salt if needed (the milk will be more tasty if seasoned with salt).
What are different nut butters like
- Cashew Butter is sweet with a very subtile nut flavour. It is thick and very smooth.
- Almond Butter – when made with whole almonds, almond butter has much stronger flavour compared to cashew. It is brown in color and very flavourful distinctively tasting of almonds.
- Hazelnut Butter – it is most runny of the three and I’d say that it has strongest nutty flavour. It tastes heavenly in combination with anything chocolate.
What can you use nut butter for
- I love adding nut butter to desserts. I use it in Sweet Potato Chocolate Ganache in this post for an incredibly rich taste and smooth consistency.
- Spread it on bread and top with jam or fruits.
- Make Homemade Nutella like in my No – tella Healthy Homemade Nutella recipe.
- Stuff fresh dates with a teaspoon of any and enjoy this amazing healthy dessert.
- Add a spoonful to your porridges and chia puddings – my fav for porridge is hazelnut or almond, and for chia is cashew for it is the mildest
- Use it in making cookies. I used it in my bean cookies that will be on here in a few days so stay tuned. You can check out the recipe on my Instagram if you’re too curious to wait
- Make an instant nut milk as I mentioned above.
If you enjoyed this post and would love to see more recipes you can subcribe to my newsletter. And please feel free to comment below if you tried this or any other recipe on my blog. It will make me happy to know how liked it 😉
How to Make Nut Butter
- Food Processor, Oven
- 1.5 cup nuts hazelnuts or almonds or cashews
- 1 pinch Himalayan salt To taste, depending to how salty you want it
- optional add ons: vanilla powder, cinnamon powder
- Place raw nuts on a baking tray in a thin layer
- Roast on 150C or 300F about 15 minutes until fragrant and slightly browned
- Leave to cool until just warm
- Place warm nuts in a food processor and start blending
- The nuts will first grind and as you keep blending they will begin releasing the oils
- As they release the oils they will start to clump and stick to the sides
- You'll need to stop 1-3 times to scrape down the sides and keep blending
- After around 5 minutes you will get a beautiful smooth butter
- You can use any nuts you like for this recipe
- You can add to your butters various flavourings – I recommend using only dry ones as wet ones can cause clumping of butter and it won’t be as smooth and runny -vanilla powder, cinnamon, cardamom, hemp seeds
- You can use more than one kind of nuts in making butter and make a tasty combination
Kako napraviti maslac od orašastih plodova: badema, lješnjaka ili indijskih oraščića
Koliko ste se puta pitali kako napraviti maslac od orašastih plodova, treba li vam super jaki blender da bi ga napravili i koliko je to uopće zahtjevan posao? Ako jeste, nadam se da će ovaj post odgovoriti na sva, ili bar na većinu vaših pitanja. A ako ih bude još, slobodno me pitajte u komentarima.
Prije nego sam probala, bila sam u uvjerenju da je odgovor na sva pitanja gore potvrdan: da je komplicirano, da dugo traje i da trebam neki super blender da bi ga uopće napravila. Kad pročitate ovaj post, nadam se da ćete se ipak odvažiti sami probati (jer je tako smiješno, a ja ću vam otkriti tajnu kako 😉
Super jednostavni recept od samo dva sastojka
Ako ste se pitali od čega se uopće sastoji maslac od orašastih plodova i treba li dodati ulje da bi dobili tu kremastu konzistenciju, reći ću vam da se sastoji od dva ili čak od jednog sastojka ukoliko radite nesoljeni maslac. Znači, sastojci su oraščići i sol.
Je li jeftinije napraviti maslac doma ili ga kupiti?
Doma! I to značajno. U trgovini ćete teglicu od 200 grama u platiti od 30-60 kn, ovisno o vrsti, a kod kuće istu količinu ćete dobiti od jedne i pol šalice oraščića što je oko 150 grama orašastih plodova ili u kunama 10 do 20 kuna. I još k tome znate što je točno unutra i imate to zadovoljstvo da jedete nešto što ste sami napravili 😉 Meni to puno znači. A vama?
Koliko može stajati domaći maslac od orašastih plodova?
Ja ga čuvam u hladnjaku, 2 do 3 tjedna. Na sobnoj temperaturi može biti para dana jer toplina djeluje na ulja i mogu užegnuti. Moj savjet je napravite toliko koliko mislite da ćete potrošiti kroz par tjedana i to je to 🙂
Količina koja je nama obično dovoljna je upravo ova u receptu, za 200 grama maslaca.
Treba li vam super jaki blender da bi napravili maslac od orašastih plodova?
Iz mog iskustva, ne trebate. Upravo suprotno, koristim vrlo povoljnu sjeckalicu koja je došla s Electrolux štapnim mikserom. Pogledajte koja ovdje. Njegu koristim i za izradu baza za sirove torte, kuglice od orašastih plodova, namaze… I sve to mi radi savršeno 🙂
Je li bolje koristiti blender ili sjeckalicu / food processor?
Ja definitivno preferiram sjeckalicu odnosno food processor kad god miksam nešto gusto što ne mogu samo izliti iz posude kad je gotovo. Kod food processora jednostavno izvadim nož i postružem hranu iznutra, dok je to puno veći problem s blenderom.
Koliko vremena treba za napraviti maslac?
U mojoj sjeckalici doslovno ispod 5 minuta – ovo se odnosi na blednanje. Prije toga treba ispeći orašaste plodove. Sigurno ste vidjeli u drugim receptima da treba puno duže, i do pola sata, ali zato je tu jedan važan trik koji primjenjujem…
Važan trik za brzo napraviti maslac od orašastih plodova – blendajte orašaste plodove dok su još topli
Jako važno! Zašto? Zato što ako probate napraviti maslac od hladnih oraščića, blendanje će trajati i pola sata jer takvi sporo otpuštaju ulja.
Topli oraščći ih vrlo brzo otpuštaju i zato ćete već nakon par minuta blendanja dobiti glatki maslac. Ukoliko baš želite da maslac bude sirov, onda možete zagrijati oraščiće na 40 supnjeva. Takvi se i dalje smatraju sirovima al će blendanje ići puno brže. Imam još jedan razlog zašto korisiti pečene oraščiće. Zato što mi je maslac još ukusniji 🙂
Postupak – step by step
- Stavite oraščiće na pleh u tankom sloju i pecite ih 15ak minuta na 150 stupnjeva. Pripazite na indijske oraščiće, oni su malo osjetiljiviji na temperaturu i lakše će zagoriti. Kad dobiju boju i zamirišu, (a lješnjacima popuca korica) gotovi su.
- Ostavite ih da se ohlade dok ne budu samo topli – toliko da ih možete bez problema držati u rukama. Trebaju biti topli ali ne vrući jer bi takvi mogli pregrijati motor blendera / sjeckalice.
- Stavite tople oraščiće u sjeckalicu i blednajte. Prvo će se samljeti a onda početi lijepiti za strane posude. To je trenutak kad počnu otpuštati ulja. Trebat ćete zaustaviti i postrugati sa strana te nastaviti blendati. Ovo ćete možda morati i ponoviti.
- Ja obično trebam to samo jednom.
- Nakon još jedno minutu dvije blendanja masa će početi nalikovati kemastom maslacu. Nastavite blendati dok ne dobijete finu glatku strukturu.
- Nakon oko 5 minuta blendanja dobit ćete fini kremasti maslac, ovisno o vrsti bit će manje ili više gladak, te gust ili rijeđi.
Kakvi su različiti maslaci od orašastih plodova?
- Maslac od indijskih oraščića je slatkast, gust i vrlo gladak. Ima vrlo blago orašasti okus.
- Maslac od badema – Kad ga radite s neoguljenim bademima je dosta taman, izrazito orašastog okusa te relativno gust. Osobno preferiram maslac od pečenih badema jer mi je puno jačeg okusa.
- Maslac od lješnjaka – najrjeđe konzistencije od ova tri maslaca. Također i najjače orašastog okusa. Genijalan u kombinaciji s čokoladom. Pogledajte moj recept za zdravu nutellu koje je zapravo ovaj maslac izblendan s domaćom rastopljenom čokoladom. Prefino!
Može li se napraviti mlijeko od maslaca od orašastih plodova?
Može i to super brzo. Ja ga zovem Instant mlijekom. Samo izblendate jednu veliku žlicu maslaca s jednom šalicom vode, malo nečeg slatkog (agvin, javorov sirup, med…) te malo soli ako je maslac neslan. Mlijeko će biti ukusnije ako dodate malo soli.
Za što sve možete koristiti maslac od orašastih plodova?
- Ja ga često stavljam u recepte za deserte. Recimo u ovom receptu za jako čokoladnu kremu, koja je gotovo poput mousse-a i možete je poslužiti u čašicama kao samostalni desert.
- Na kruhu s pekmezom ili narezanim voćem (slavna kombinacija je kikiriki ili badem maslac i ploškice banane).
- Napravite domaću zdravu nutellu – maslacu od lješnjaka dodajte tekuću domaću čokoladu. Recept nađite ovdje.
- Izvadite koštice iz datulja i napunite ih bademovim maslacem – prava bomba ali jaaako fino.
- Dodajte žlicu bademovog ili od indijskih u porridge od zobenih pahuljica ili nekih drugih žitarica ili u chia puding
- Odlični su za napraviti jako fine i jednostavne keksiće s komadićima čokolade. Recept će uskoro na blog a ako ne možete čekati, pogledajte recept na mom Instagramu.
- Napravite instant mlijeko – kao što sam već gore napisala
Ako vam se svidio ovaj recept, ili ste ga isprobali, ostavite mi komentar, veselit će me znati kako vam je ispalo. A možete se subscribati na obavijesti o novim postovima.
Vrijeme pripreme: 15 min za pečenje oraščića + 15 min za hlađenje + 5 min za blendanje
Sastojci za 200ml maslaca:
- 1.5 šalica badema/lješnjaka/indijskih oraščića
- prstohvat soli
Postupak je opisan iznad, tekstom i slikama 🙂
I’m Sanah, a pastry chef with a small dessert kitchen based in Mumbai, India.
I recently used walnut butter for one of my recipes & was amazed with the end product!
Your above post has answered so many questions I had about making but butters!
Will try a hazelnut with cinnamon soon 🙂
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hi Sanah,
thank you so much for your kind comment. It makes me happy to know you found answers to some of your questions and that I inspired you to want try it out yourself. It is so ridiculously easy and not time consuming. Totally love the combo you chose, btw. I’m writing this and sipping on a latte made with hazelnut butter milk 😉
All best,
Just made my first homemade nut butter ever. Thanks to your concise instructions it worked like a charm and the butter tastes amazing! Made hazelnut butter and sweetened it with a splash of maple syrup. Also, appreciate the tip of making instant nut milk.
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hi Lucie!
Thanks so much for letting me know 🙂 It makes me happy that it turned out great! I love hazelnut butter and addition of maple sirup sounds amazing!
Mirjana Nikolić
Hvala na detaljnom opisu, ali, ipak, imam pitanje….opna lješnjaka se nakon tostiranja više-manje odvaja… One koje se nisu same odvojile, ne ‘gulite’ na dobri, stari način- u krpi?
Imam 71, a tek sam nedavno saznala ,praveći roche kuglice, da premiksavanjem orašastih pl, dobijemo pastu…doživotno učenje?
Lijepi pozdrav
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Draga Mirjana,
iz mog iskustva, jako ovisi o tome kakvi su lješnjaci (možda o vrsti). Neki se vrlo jednostavno ogule, samo kad se malo protrljaju između dlanova ostanu potpuno “goli” dok neke treba dobro protrljati u krpi da se ogule, a neki čak ni tad se ne mogu do kraja oguliti.
Jako me razveselio vaš komentar i što vas još uvjek zanimaju i vesele nove stvari. Puno pozdrava,
Hi Maja,
I truly enjoy following your posts on Instagram and yes thank you, this one looks so useful and easy! Am going to try making the butters as per your recipe methods…shall keep you posted on the final outcome…should I follow the same for a crunchy peanut butter? Xoxo Smita
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hi Smita,
thank you so much. Hope you did try making it. I guess the crunchy butter would be if you do not blend it till smooth 🙂
Love, Maja
Hello I just wanted to thank you so much for this article. It helped me produce my own homemade nut butter. I didn’t make any of the listed ones above I made my own mixture a pecan hazelnut butter but your article gave me the guidance needed.
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Thanks so much for your feedback! I’m happy that my tips gave you guidance to make your own mixture and enjoy homemade butter. Pecan and hazelnut sound absolutely amazing!
Hvala na odličnom receptu i opisu postupka.
Isprobano sa indijskim oraščićima i odlično je ispalo!!?
Zanima me da li bi se tako mogao napraviti i maslac od kokosa, tj.od ribanog kokosa?
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Bok Darija,
Hvala ti puno 🙂 Probala sam s kokosom i nije mi dobro ispalo. Možeš koristiti orašaste plodove i sjemenke.
Maja <3