This Rustic Vegan Strawberry Galette is so fragrant and delicious, a summer dream dessert with sweet and tangy filling and gorgeous crunchy and delicious crust.
A galette or a pie – which is easier to make
A galette, on so many levels. Why?
- there’s no need for a pie pan – you simply bake the galette on a parchment paper you rolled the dough on – just place it on a baking tray.
- it can not stick to a pan or fall apart – even if the pastry turns out more brittle than expected it will still be ok since you don’t have to take it out of the pan. If it turns out a bit messy, it will still be great – it is even supposed to be a bit messy 🙂
- the process of baking is easier – no need to pre bake the crust
What is important for making a pie/galette crust
When it comes to making a pie or galette pastry, the temperature is really important.
- To get it to be nice and crunchy, butter or in this case coconut oil has to be chilled very well. Also it is desirable to have other ingredients, even the bowl you’ll be preparing the dough in, chilled as well. This is not necessary, though. Only the part with chilling the butter is very important.
- Do not knead the dough, just enough to get it into a ball shape, because the warmth of your hands could warm it up.
Can I use coconut oil instead of vegan butter (or dairy one) in this Rustic Vegan Strawberry Galette?
I wondered the same question for a while now, ever since I first made a galette. The answer is yes 🙂 And the crust turned out amazing, so incredibly crunchy and delicious. The trick of course is to get the oil really well chilled.
A simple step by step recipe for this Rustic Vegan Strawberry Galette
This Rustic Vegan Strawberry Galette is such a perfect summer recipe, really simple to make and pretty much fail safe. I prepared all the steps in photos for you to make it even easier to follow.
- sift flours and the rest of dry ingredients into a bowl
- scrape the coconut oil into tiny bits and add it to dry ingredients
- using your fingers crumble the flour and oil together
- When you have the oil and flour crumbled together, add ice cold water
- knead the dough very gently only to get it into a ball shape
- now that you have successfully gotten a ball shape, wrap it up in a cling foil and place in the freezer to chill for about 15 minutes
- in mean time prepare the strawberries – slice them into thin slices
- after the 15 minutes has elapsed, place the dough on 1 piece of floured parchment paper and gently flatten it.
- sift some flour on top and cover with second piece of parchment paper
- gently roll out the dough, we want it pretty thin
- when nice and evenly rolled out, carefully remove the top paper
- season the strawberries with pinch of salt, powdered ginger and cinnamon, 2-3 tbsp coconut sugar or any syrup to taste, some freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 tbsp tapioca starch
- mix well until all the pieces are covered equally
- place the strawberries on rolled out pastry in an even layer leaving some space at the edges
- fold the pastry over the filling
- do it very carefully but don’t worry if it breaks – t’s supposed to be a bit messy
- when ready, sprinkle some more coconut sugar on the pastry
- bake in the oven warmed to 190 degrees Celsius, 30-33 min until nice and golden
Some more galette recipes for you to check out
If you have any other questions regarding making a galette don’t hesitate to ask in comments. Also if you happen to try this recipe, I would love to know how you liked it 🙂
Rustic Vegan Strawberry Galette
- oven
- Crust
- 2/3 cup spelt flour
- 1/2 cup rice flour
- 1/3 tsp salt
- 1,5 tbsp coconut sugar
- 1/2 cup chilled coconut oil
- 4-5 tbsp ice cold water
- Filling:
- 2 cups strawberries
- 2 tbsp tapioca flour
- 2-3 tbsp coconut sugar or use maple or agave syrup
- pinch of cinnamon vanilla, ginger – optional
- pinch of salt
- sift flours and the rest of dry ingredients into a bowl
- scrape the coconut oil into tiny bits and add it to dry ingredients
- using your fingers crumble the flour and oil together
- When you have the oil and flour crumbled together, add ice cold water
- knead the dough very gently only to get it into a ball shape
- now that you have successfully gotten a ball shape, wrap it up in a cling foil and place in the freezer to chill for about 15 minutes
- in mean time prepare the strawberries – slice them into thin slices
- after the 15 minutes has elapsed, place the dough on 1 piece of floured parchment paper and gently flatten it.
- sift some flour on top and cover with second piece of parchment paper
- gently roll out the dough, we want it pretty thin
- when nice and evenly rolled out, carefully remove the top paper
- season the strawberries with pinch of salt, powdered ginger and cinnamon, 2-3 tbsp coconut sugar or any syrup to taste, some freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 tbsp tapioca starch
- mix well until all the pieces are covered equally
- place the strawberries on rolled out pastry in an even layer leaving some space at the edges
- fold the pastry over the filling
- do it very carefully but don’t worry if it breaks – t’s supposed to be a bit messy
- when ready, sprinkle some more coconut sugar on the pastry
- bake in the oven warmed to 190 degrees Celsius, 30-33 min until nice and golden
- Bake it on steam mode or if your oven doesn't have one, for 15 minutes on conventional mode and then I turn on fan assisted mode to get more crunch and colour
For all the strawberry lovers here’s one more delicious recipe to check out:
Rustikalna pita od jagoda
Jeste li ikad probali napraviti francusku rustikalnu pitu, takozvani galette? Otkad sam je otkrila, to je jedina pita koju uopće radim – jako je jednostavna za napraviti a genijalni ljetni desert. Zamislite jako hrskavo slatko tijesto i sočni voćni nadjev…to je to 🙂
Ona je zapravo tanko razvaljano tijesto za pitu napunjeno nadjevom i onda se samo ovlaš preklope krajevi preko nadjeva i stavi peći. Da, baš tako je jednostavno.
Možete je napraviti s bilo kojim voćem, ali i slanu. Ja sam za sad probala šljive, maline, jagode, borovnice, kruške, breskve i mikseve nabrojanih. Sve su mi bile jako fine.
Zašto je puno jednostavnija za napraviti nego klasična pita?
- Zato što je radite tako da razvaljate tijesto između dva lista masnog papira, stavite nadjev i preklopite rubove. Nema prebacivanja u kalup, oblikovanja tijesta, rezanja…
- Ne treba prvo peći tijesto pa tek onda s nadjevom
- Zato što vam ne treba kalup za pečenje pite – jednostavno je pečete na plehu na masnom papiru na kojem ste razvaljali tijesto
- S obzirom da se peče na plehu, ne može vam se zallijepiti i raspasti pa nema opasnosti da je nećete moći izvaditi iz kalupa.
Što je važno kad radite tijesto za pitu
- Temperatura – odnosno da je sve što koristite hladno, osobito maslac a u ovom slučaju je to kokosovo ulje
- Ovo je jako važno da tijesto ispadne lijepo hrskavo
- još je važno ne mijestiti predugo tijesto – treba ga miješati prstima tek toliko da se “spoji” u kuglu, i to je to. Ako ga predugo mijesim, zgrijat će se od topline naših ruku i neće biti tako fino hrskavo.
Koja su alternative običnom mliječnom maslacu
Ja sam za sad probala veganski maslac (neesterificirani biljni margarin – on je bez transmasnih kiselina koje su razlog zašto su margarini nezdravi) i odlično funkcionira. Tijesto ispadne jako fino hrskavo i ukusno. Pogledajte recepte za galette koje sam napravila s njim:
U ovom receptu koristim kokosovo ulje i jako mi se sviđa tijesto. A kokosovo ulje mi je nekako najcjelovitija varijanta masnoće koja odlično funkcionira u tijestu za pitu.
Recept u koracima
Sastojci za koru:
- 2/3 šalice pirovog brašna – polubijelo ili prosijano integralno
- 1/3 šalice rižinog brašna
- 1/3 žličice soli
- 1.5 žlica kokosovog šećera
- 1/2 šalice dobro ohlađenog kokosovog ulja
- 4-5 žlica ledene vode (dodajte led u vodu)
Sastojci za nadjev:
- 2 šalice jagoda / ili nekog drugog voća
- 2 žlice tapioka brašna / ili nekog drugog škrobastog brašna
- 2-3 žlice kokosovog šećera ili nečeg drugog slatkog
- malo cimeta, vanilije, đumbira
- prstohvat soli
- Prosijte brašna i ostale suhe sastojke za tijesto.
- Dobro ohlađeno kokosovo ulje “sastružite” u rezance i dodajte brašnu.
- Mrvite ga zajedno s brašnom između prsti dok ne dobijete mrvastu vlažnu konzistenciju – nemojte to raditi predugo – važno je da ostane hladno.
- Zatim dodajte ledenu vodu i mijesite da se zamijesi tijesto tek toliko da ga možete formirati u kuglu.
- Zamotajte ga u plastičnu foliju i ostavite u zamrzivaču 10-tak minuta.
- U međuvremenu narežite jagode na ploške te dodajte sol, začine te ih zasladite. Zatim dodajte i tapioca brašno (ili neko drugo škrobno brašno – aru, kukuruzni škrob, a možete i gustin ako nemate ništa drugo).
- Dodajemo škrobno brašno kako bi upilo sok koji pusti voće pri pečenju.
- Nakon 10 min izvadite tijesto i stavite na pobrašnjeni masni papir, lagano ga pritisnite.
- Lagano i odozgo pobrašnite tijesto i prekrijte ga drugim komadom masnog papira.
- Razvaljajte na tanko,
- Zatim maknite gornji papir.
- Poslažite nadjev i preklopite pažljivo krajeve da oblikujete galette.
- Pospite još malo kokosovog šećera i po nadjevu i po tijestu i pecite u prethodno zagrijanoj pećnici na 190 stupnjeva.
- Pecite ga 30-33 minute. Pekla sam ga na parnom modu u svojoj Electrolux pećnici – tako se nadjev lijepo ispeče a tijesto bude još hrskavije.
- Ako vam se čini da vam tijesto nije dobilo “boju” nakon 30tak minuta pečenja, slobodno pecite par minuta dulje.
- Ako želite možete koristiti i obični mliječni maslac – samo nemojte običan margarin
- Možete zamijeniti rižino brašno heljdinim ili koristiti čak i samo pirovo brašno
- Isto tako možete koristiti i polubijelo pšenično brašno ali toplo preporučam da probate ovu kombinaciju jer je tijesto posebno ukusno.
- Ako ne želite koristiti kokosov šećer, možete ga zamijeniti smeđim šećerom, a voće zasladiti javorovim, agavinim sirupom ili čak medom
- Možete koristiti bilo koje mekano voće poput bobičastog, breskvi, šljiva, marelica, kruški – to su ona koja sam za sad probala ali i slano nadjevi idu odlično. Javite ako probate neki novi 🙂
Ako imate još kakvo pitanje, slobodno pitajte u komentrima. A ako probate recept bit će mi jako drago ako mi napišete kako vam se svidjelo.
Šaljem puse,
Today I made it with apricot and red currant and it was delicious!
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
That sounds like such an amazing combination! will have to try it too:)
Thanks so much for your kind feedback <3
Maja pozdrav
Ako pećnica nema parni program, treba li staviti posudicu sa vodom u pećnicu, ili samo na ventilirajuči program? Hvala LP
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Draga Sandra,
možete peći prvo na običnoj pećnici i onda drugu polovicu vremena s ventilatorom