This No-tella Healthy Homemade Nutella is so amazing! It is wholesome, delicious but healthy and so easy to make! 6 ingredients all together, you will not believe how easy! There are just a few tricks to get it right and avoid disaster 😉 And I’ve sure had a share of mines.
You already tried making No-tella Healthy Homemade Nutella and failed?
So if you ever tried to make Homemade Nutella and failed, you need this recipe. Yep, failed too, more than once but got a winner in the end 😉
The recipe is really simple and there are just a few tricks you have to follow and you’ll get a healthy very chocolatey and hazelnuty spread (can you say that?) .
There are only 6 ingredients in this No-tella Healthy Homemade Nutella
- hazelnuts
- coconut oil
- maple syrup
- cocoa
- plant milk (I used oat)
- salt
But I would say that 80-90 percent of the spread are actually just hazelnuts. Can it get more wholesome than that? So this is basically hazelnut butter plus a few add ons.
Important stuff to making of this No-tella Healthy Homemade Nutella
- You need to use warm nuts – and this goes for making any nut butter. When warm, nuts will much easier release the oil – and that is exactly what we want. So if you want to make the butter with cold nuts, it will take you up to half hour of blending and scraping the sides, while this way you need 2-3 minutes tops.
- After I posted story of making No-tella on my instagram (it’s in my highlights) I got asked by many of you which blender I used. I actually use food processor instead of a blender. I does the job perfectly and it is so much easier to take out the butter or spread when done because in food processor you can remove the blade and scrape out every drop. You just don’t waste anything. I used my small food processor that came with my Electrolux Immersion Blender. I’ve been using it for spreads, hummus, nut butters and raw cakes for years and it did the work perfectly.
- First you need to make a very smooth hazelnut butter and then add the rest of the ingredients
The problem that makes the failure happen if you add coconut oil, syrup and cocoa without adding the milk you end up with a lumpy mess instead of nice smooth spread. So what I learned is that you need to add milk and you’re set.
I’ll proceed with the recipe and you can check out my video story of making No-tella on my Instagram Highlights.
Time of preparation: 10 minutes + 15 minutes for roasting hazelnuts
Yields: 250ml
- 1.5 cup hazelnuts
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 3 tbsp maple syrup
- 4 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
- 1/2 cup plant milk (I used oat) + 2 tbsp if you want No-tella less thick and more spreadable
- tiny pinch of salt .
1. Roast hazelnuts on 150 Celsius (300F) for about 15 minutes. I use ventilated mode in my Electrolux oven. Let them cool slightly and rub them in your hands or in a clean cloth to remove the skins.
2. Place warm skinned hazelnuts in the food processor. Blend. It’s important to use freshly roasted hazelnuts (or just warm up already roasted ones) – your butter will be done in under 5 minutes.
3. You will probably need to stop the blending once or twice to scrape from the sides but pretty quickly you should have smooth nut butter. Cool, right?! 2. Make the chocolate: melt on steam coconut oil, add cocoa, small pinch of salt, maple syrup and milk – keep stirring until smooth. It will be pretty runny but it is a perfect amount of liquid to get our No-tella nice and smooth.
3. Add into blender and blend some more
4. This is when disaster usually happens, I have ran into it so many times online – adding other ingredients to our beautiful smooth butter which then turns into a clumpy mess. This is if you use just coconut oil, cocoa and sweetener without milk. But with milk, it just blends perfectly smooth.
5. Keep blending until you get beautifully smooth Healthy Chocolate Hazelnut Spread. Add more milk or syrup to your liking. Transfer into a jar.
6. It can keep for at least 7 days in the fridge (though it never lasts that long in our home anyway, unless i hide it, haha). Btw. I dare you not to eat it all the same day 😉 [/recipe-foody]
Guys, if you like my recipes and would like not to miss the next one, you can subscribe above to get notified when it gets posted 🙂
If you go ahead and make this recipe (I know many of you already have since I posted it on Instagram) please let me know how you liked this recipe. And if you’re into chocolate, check out my Double Chocolate Vegan Cake (a real chocolate cake – no one will believe you that it’s vegan and healthy) or Vegan Paleo Brownies, or Butter Bean Brownies (or one of other gazillion chocolate recipes on my blog 🙂
Sending you love and chocolate
Maja xx
Domaća Nutella ili Namaz od lješnjaka i čokolade
Super jednostavno i prefino! Ako volite čokoladno i kremasto, ovo je baš za vas 🙂 Ja ga jedem na žlicu iz teglice ali možete i kao normalni ljudi na kruhu ili palačinkama, wafflima… Ovo je već provjereni recept i javilo mi se puno ljudi da su probali i da su im klinci bili oduševljeni – ovo je ponekad tricky sa zdravim desertima.
Najbolja stvar je što je gotovo za 5-10 minuta (plus 15 minuta za pečenje lješnjaka) i što vam treba 6 sastojaka.
- lješnjaci
- kokosovo ulje
- javorov ili agavin sirup
- zobeno ili neko drugo biljno mlijeko
- kakao
- sol
s tim da su lješnjaci rekla bih 80% sastojaka. Mislim da teško može biti cjelovitiji recept 🙂
Ne treba vam profesionalni blender
Sigurno se sad mislite kako vam treba profesionalni super skupi blender da bi je napravli, ali griješite. Ja sam koristila svoju sjeckalicu od štapnog miksera Electrolux ESTM7500S . U njoj inače radim: maslace od orašastih plodova (bademov, od indijskih, kikiriki), namaze i podloge za sirove kolače te meljem orašaste plodove (za kolače). Jako brzo i efikasno obavi posao i još i je jedna stvar meni bitna i praktična, to da mogu izvaditi oštricu i lijepo postrugati sve iz posude te što mi je posuda dovoljno mala da mogu raditi i manje količine. A treba mi 2-3 minute blendanja za prekrasno gladak maslac od orašastih plodova. S druge strane, blender koristim za više tekuće stvari poput smoothija i krema.
Već ste probali napraviti maslac i dobro se namučili…
Možda ste i vi jedan ili jedna od onih koji su pokušali sami napraviti maslac od orašastih plodova i dobro se pomučili, bar jedno pola sata blendajući dok ste došli do rezultata. Sad ću vam otkriti jednu tajnu: ako upotrijebite tople orašaste plodove trebat će vam do 5 minuta max da napravite taj isti posao. Cool zar ne?!
Ovo je bitno za recept jer je No-tella (kako je službeni naziv ovog namaza na inzistiranje moje kćeri 🙂 zapravo maslac od lješnjaka s par dodataka.
Pogledajte moj video story na Instagramu u kojem prikazujem cijeli proces – uvjerite se koliko je jednostavno. Evo i link na moj Instagram – video je u BHighlightsima (ikonice iznad postova), prvi po redu.
Brzo i jednostavno…
Znači prvi korak će biti napraviti maslac (od svježe pečenih lješnjaka koje ćete onda i jednostavno oguliti – pečete ih na 150C, 15 min dok im kožica ne popuca i onda ih protrljate kad se mrvicu ohlade – ako imate već pečene i oguljene lješnjake samo ih ponovo zagrijte jedno 5 min na 150C). Kao što sam već naglasila, lješnjaci trebaju biti topli jer onda puno lakše otpuštaju masnoću, a to i želimo. Meni je trebalo ispod 3 minute u mojoj Electrolux sjeckalici i onda samo na pari rastopite kokosovo ulje i pomiješate sa sirupom, kakaom, soli i mlijekom u čokoladu. Dodate u maslac i još kratko problendate. I to je to. Piece of cake, zar ne?! To mi je doslovno za situacije kad nemamo ništa slatko pa da na brzinu zamutim.
Mislim da je sad sve jasno pa možemo na recept.
Vrijeme pripreme: 10 min + 15 min za pečenje lješnjaka
Količina: taman za teglicu od 250-300 ml
- 1.5 šalica pečenih i oguljenih lješnjaka (oko 300grama) – 1 šalica je 237ml ili malo manje od 250ml
- 2 žlice rastopljenog kokosovog ulja
- 3 – 4 žlice javorovog sirupa ili nekog drugog drugog prirodnog sladila
- 4 žlice nezaslađenog kakaa
- 1/2 šalice zobenog ili nekog drugog biljnog mlijeka + još 2 žlice ako želite malo rjeđu No-tellu
- mali prstohvat soli (jer je sve ukusnije s mrvicu soli)
- Pecite lješnjake na 150C, 15-tak minuta. Ja uvijek koristim ventilacijski mod u svojoj Electrolux Steam Pro pećnici
- Nakon 15 min korica bi trebala lijepo popucati i lješnjaci zamirisati. Izvadite ih i kad se mrvicu ohlade, protrljajte da im otpadne ljuskica. Ako se teže gule, možete ih staviti u čistu krpu pa protrljati. Btw. ljuskice ne želimo jer su gorke.
- sad ih još tople stavite u sjeckalicu i blendajte. Prvo će se samljeti i onda početi lagano otpuštati masnoću. Nakon jedno minutu blendanja počet će se nakupljati na stranama sjeckalice, zaustavite i postružite sa strana. Nastavite blendati. Ja obično moram samo jednom stati i nakon jedno 2-3 minute imam prekrasni glatki relativno rijetki lješnjakov maslac.
- Pripremite čokoladu: na pari rastopite kokosovo ulje i pomiješate sa sirupom, kakaom, soli i mlijekom. Dobit ćete dosta rijetku čokoladu ali to nam je potrebno da bi dobili mazivu No-tellu.
- Tako pripremljenu dodate u maslac i još kratko problendate. I to je to!
- Prebacite je u čistu staklenku. Vani vam može stajati jedno dva dana a u hladnjaku do 10 dana.
- Ja se uvijek držim toga da napravim toliko koliko ćemo kroz par dana pojesti – ova količina nam traje maksimalno 2 dana, haha. Vjerujem da ni vama neće duže 😉
Eto, to vam je to. Super jednostavno, zar ne?! A usput ste naučili i kako napraviti lješnjakov maslac (ili bilo koji drugi maslac od orašastih plodova).
Nadam se da ćete probati (javite kako vam se svidjelo)
Ako vam se sviđaju moji recepti, subscribajte se gore desno tako da budete obaviješteni mailom kad izađe idući recept (što vam je 2-3 puta mjesečno da ne mislite da ću vas zatrpavati 😉
Šaljem puse i čokoladu,
OMG, your Notella is soo good! And easy!! Thank you so much for the recipe!
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hi Alena,
Thank you so much. I’m so happy you liked it:)
Maja x
Thanks so much for the recipe! 🙂 I followed it to the tee, but my hazelnuts never turned into nut butter (my processor probably wasn’t strong enough), but I added all the other ingredients and it turned out delicious nonetheless.
What would you suggest adding for a little more acidity?
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hi Elexa! Thank you so much! Did you process the nuts while still warm. This is important step to get them into butter more easily.
You can add few drops of lemon juice.