When you need a quick and easy meal, this Simple Mushroom Pasta is a healthy and delicious choice. It’s one of my go to meals cause I just need to get mushrooms, tomatoes and parsley, while all the other ingredients/seasonings needed are always stocked in my pantry.

This is an old recipe from the blog that was updated to make it even better.
What kind of pasta did I use in this Simple Mushroom Pasta recipe
My favourite pasta to go with this sauce are spelt or lentil spaghetti – this time I used spelt – but you can use any pasta you like. Tagliatelle is a great choice too. My daughter loves smaller shapes of pasta like fusilli or orecchiette – totally fine with me. The only requirement I make is that we eat whole and wheat free pasta. Not a lot, right?!
What kind of pasta do I mostly use
There are many to wheat free pastas to choose from. My favourites grain ones are rice, spelt and buckwheat and there is this new addition to the pasta world I really like too: legume pasta. Lentil is my favourite so far, but there are also chickpea, bean and edamame ones. If you haven’t tried any I nudge you to do try them. Some brands are crap (excuse my language), but some are really amazing, with a great texture and taste.

How to make this simple recipe
Now back to my Simple Mushroom Pasta. This is such a quick meal and you’ll be done with the sauce as soon as the pasta is cooked.
This baby is done in a few simple steps:
- Cook the pasta

2. In mean time sauté the mushrooms with spices, then add tomatoes

3. Add seasonings, cooked pasta and fresh parsley.

4. No more. Just eat 😉
What kind of substitutes can I use in this Simple Mushroom Pasta
- You can sub the mushrooms with zucchini or eggplant. It will be a bit different but amazing. I also love adding some vegan cheese in this zucchini or eggplant version (or dairy if you eat dairy, goat preferably).
- Use any shape of pasta and for gluten free version you can use rice, corn or quinoa ones.
If you’re a pasta lover like I am, you might also like:
I hope you’ll like it as much as we all do and if you make it I’ll be happy to know if you liked it;) Leave me a comment or tag me on Instagram. In picture and in caption so I don’t miss it.
Ok, let’s go to the recipe… Just one more remark: I made the recipe for 1 person but just multiply the ingredients with number of person and you’re good to go.

Simple Mushroom Pasta
- cooking hob
- 1 cup button mushrooms
- 1/2 cup chopped baby tomatoes
- 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
- 1/3 tsp chili
- Salt to taste
- 2 tsp Shoyu naturally fermented soy sauce you can use liquid aminos
- 1 tsp toasted sesame oil
- Bunch of parsley – minced
- 1 garlic clove – optional
- 1 portion spelt spaghetti
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil1 tsp ume su optional
- Cook the spaghetti Sauté spices and mushrooms on olive oil (and minced garlic if using), season with salt.
- Sauté until slightly browned and fragrant, then add tomatoes and Shoyu.
- Keep sautéing for 2-3 minutes until veggies are soft.
- Add toasted sesame oil (for the added smokiness) and parsley.
- Mix in spaghetti.
- At this point I like adding a little bit more of olive oil for the taste.
- Check and season if needed with more salt.
- When cooking on extra virgin olive oil, start with a cool pan, add olive oil and spices and then put it on a flame. This is to avoid the oil burning up
- You can sub the mushrooms with zucchini or eggplant. It will be a bit different but amazing. I also love adding some vegan cheese in this zucchini or eggplant version (or dairy if you eat dairy, goat preferably).
- Use any shape of pasta and for gluten free version you can use rice, corn or quinoa ones.
Hope you guys like this recipe and let me know if you’d like more quick recipes from me, sweet and savory.
And if you like what I post, subscribe above to be notified so you don’t miss the next one.
Super jednostavna pasta s gljivama

Super jednostavna pasta s gljivama, gotova dok se tjestenina skuha, a bogata okusima i nutrijentima. Koristila sam dosta začina jer to je ono što će nam dati taj bogati slojeviti okus.
Zdravije varijante tjestenine
Nastojim birati tjestenine koje nisu od pšenice, najčešće pirovu ili od leće jer su mi se pokazale kao najukusnije. Definitivno imaju najbolju konzistenciju. Obično se tjestenine bez pšenice i osobito gluten free lijepe i čak i raspadaju pa je prlično teško naći dobru. Meni su se najbolje pokazali pirovi špageti od BioPrimo (dinkel spaghetti – u Muelleru) i još i drugi oblici iste vrste (šarafići) te špageti od žute leće od dmBio. Pirova je divna, ukusna i ponaša se kao pšenična, a od leće (90% žuta leća i 10% riža) je bez glutena i uvijek je fino al dente. Uz to je bogata proteinima i složenim ugljikohidratima. S nutricionističke strane, genijlna;)
Ako niste ljubitelji gljiva, možete ih zamijeniti patlidžanom ili tikvicama. Samo nemojte izbaciti dimljenu papriku jer je to ono što definitivno daje poseban i bogat okus ovoj pasti. Ja sam koristila slatku dimljenu papriku iz Harisse.
Ako vam se sviđaju moji recepti, možete se subscribati gore desno pa ćete povremeno dobiti newsletter s linkovima na nove recepte. A ako probate neki od recepata jako bi me veselilo znati kako su vam se svidjeli. Pišite u komentarima 😉
Idemo na recept…
Da ne duljim dalje, idemo na recept. Već sam napisala da je super jednostavna ali je i super brza. Postupak ću vam opisati u par koraka u slikama.
Vrijeme pripreme: 15-20 minuta
Za jednu osobu
1 šalica narezanih šampinjona (150-200g)
1/2 šalice cherry rajčica (5-6 komada)
Maslinovo ulje
1/2 žličice dimljene paprike
1/2 žličice tamnog sezamovog ulja
2 žličice Shoyu-a (prirodno fermentirani soja sos)
sitno nasjeckani peršin
pirovi rezanci

- Skuhate špagete (ovo su pirovi Bio Primo)

2. Pirjate gljive sa začinima imalo soli na maslinovom ulju i kad fino zažute dodajte mini rajčice (i češnjak ako ga koristite) i shoyu. Nastavite pirjati još jedno 2-3 minute i onda dodajte tamno sezamovo ulje.

3. Kad je povrće fino omekšalo, dodajte tjesteninu i nasjecakani peršin. Još malo “zalijte” djevičanskim maslinovim uljem, provjerite je li dovoljno slano.
Ja uz još malo maslinovog ulja volim dodati i malo Umeboshi začina (u Bio&bio). To vam je japanski ocat koji je osim što je kisel, i slan i divno “izvlači”, naglašava okuse. Ja dodam žličicu u sve juhe od povrća, variva, wokove, umake… I sve salate začinjam s njim (uz dodatak balsamica u nekim) jer osim što je jako ukusan, ne treba dodavati sol jer je on već slan, ali na “zdrav” način.
To je to 🙂

Nadam se da ćete probati i uživati u ovom receptu.
Puse, Maja
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