These Rice Flour Thumbprint Cookies are a must at our Christmas table. The easiest cookies to make, literally 6 ingredients altogether, including salt and jam, and there’s no need to roll the dough and use the cutters (though that is fun), so no sticking or falling apart. And they are so delicious.
The easiest cookies and old family tradition
This is one of my first cookie recipes and my daughter Klara and I, we’ve been making them together since she was two. Baking with her is some of my happiest memories. We always ended up covered in flour, us and the kitchen, haha. But it was totally worth it. Just seeing that happy little face.. And I had tons of fun too. There were unsuccessful tries with dough stuck to the surface, cookies falling apart, but these little gems always turned out great.
These Rice Flour Thumbprint Cookies are also:
- Wheat free
- Refined Sugar Free
- Wholesome
- Can be gluten free in you sub spelt flour with almond or buckwheat flour
- Healthy and delicious
A few notes on making these Rice Flour Thumbprint Cookies
- I usually make these Thumbprint Cookies with combination of rice and spelt flour to avoid wheat. But also because rice flour gives cookies beautiful flavour and texture.
- I also made a gluten free version using almond flour instead spelt, and ground almonds should work too.
- If you’re not vegan or dairy free, you can use dairy butter instead of vegan butter
- I used agave syrup but you can use maple as well
- The dough will be pretty soft when just shaped because of soft butter, but when chilled it will be just right for shaping the cookies. Please resist the urge to add more flour to make the dough more compact. It will make the cookies less soft and kind of floury in taste if you know what I mean. It’s ok to add maybe a tbsp of it just to unglue it from your fingers 😉
I think I got all the versions covered now and we can proceed to this super simple recipe.
Rice Flour Thumbprint Cookies
- oven
- 1 cup brown rice flour*
- 1 cup spelt flour*
- 1 cup vegan butter around 150g
- 1/4 cup agave syrup
- 2 pinches of Himalayan salt
- 1/2 tsp vanilla or more
- 1/2 cup jam I used strawberry in these, but before also blueberry and lemon, with same success
- Sift the flours, add salt and vanilla
- Mix softened butter with agave syrup and add to flour. Use your hands to blend together flour and mixture of butter and syrup into a dough
- The dough will be quite soft but after chilling it will be just right for forming the cookies. Wrap it into a plastic foil and leave in the fridge for at lest 15 minutes to firm up.
- Warm up the oven to 175 degrees Celsius (350F) and line the baking pan with parchment paper
- Take a walnut sized piece of dough and roll it in a ball. Place on a parchment paper and gently press with your finger to make a dent. Fill it up with jam. Don’t use too much jam because it will overflow during baking.
- Bake them for 13-15 minutes, until they slightly brown on the bottom. Be careful not to overbake them. When they’re done they will probably still look uncooked from above but as soon as they are slightly browned from under, they are done.
- After they cool down completely, keep them in a airtight container or covered with cling foil. They should keep for weeks (or until eaten;)
- I usually make these Thumbprint Cookies with combination of rice and spelt flours, to avoid wheat. But also because rice flour gives the cookies beautiful flavour and texture.
- I also made a gluten free version using almond flour instead spelt, and ground almonds should work too.
- If you’re not vegan or dairy free, you can use dairy butter instead of vegan butter
- I used agave syrup but you can use maple as well
- The dough will be pretty soft when just shaped because of soft butter, but when chilled it will be just right for shaping the cookies. Please resist the urge to add more flour to make the dough more compact. It will make the cookies less soft and kind of floury in taste if you know what I mean. It’s ok to add maybe a tbsp of it just unglue it from your fingers 😉
There will be more cookie recipes coming your way until Christmas, so stay tuned ;
Hugs, Maja xx
Fini kolačići s pekmezom
Ovo su mi jedni od najdražih božićnih kolačića i jedan od mojih prvih recepata. Mislim da sam ih prvi put radila kad je moja kćer imala dvije godine, kad smo uveli tradiciju pečenja božićnih kolačića zajedno. To su neke od mojih najdražih uspomena i Klara i ja ih uvijek sa veseljem prepričavamo. Uglavnom bi to završilo tako da je brašna bilo posvuda. Kolačića je bilo svakakvih, i zagorenih i onih koji nisu uspjeli jer se tijesto zalijepilo za podlogu… ali uvijek je bilo veselje 🙂
Ovi kolačići s pekmezom su uglavnom uvijek ispali dobro jer nisu zahtjevali kalupe za oblikovanje nego se tijesto vrlo jednostavno formira u kuglice, pritisne lagano prstom i napuni pekmezom. Baš tako jednostavno.
- U ovim kolačićima s pekmezom koristim rižino i pirovo brašno ali ih možete napraviti i s običnim pšeničnim T-850 ili zamijeniti pirovo sa bademovim ili mljevenim bademima za gluten free verziju.
- Ja ovdje koristim neesterificirani biljni maslac ali ako niste vegani i ne izbjegavate mliječne proizvode, slobodno koristite obični maslac. Ja sam maslac kupila u Bio&bio.
- U kolačiće stavite do 1 žličicu vanilije a ako mislite da je preskupa, možete je preskočiti pa staviti malo cimeta umjesto. Iako, s vaniljom su stvarno posebni.
- Tijesto će kad ga formirati biti dosta mekano radi mekanog maslaca ali će se brzo stisnuti u hladnjaku i biti super za oblikovanje.
BIt će još božićnih kolačića na blogu u predstojećim danima pa povirite 🙂
Ako vam se sviđaju moji recepti, možete se gore desno subscribati pa ćete dobiti mail s linkom na recept svaki put kad objavim novi 🙂
Još da se podsjetimo mjera pa možemo na recept.
1 šalica = 2.37 dl ali poslužit će i od 2,5 dl samo je nemojte do kraja napuniti
1 žličica = 1 čajna žličica
Vrijeme pripreme: 30 min + 15 min za hlađenje + 15 min za pečenje
za 40-50 kolačića
1 šalica rižinog brašna*
1 šalica pirovog brašna* (prosijanog ako je integralno)
1/4 šalice agavinog ili javorovog sirupa
1 šalica veganskog maslaca (neesterificiranog biljnog)* – možete koristiti i obični maslac
2 prstohvata himalajske soli
1 žličica vanilije*
1/2 šalice pekmeza (ja sam probala sa jagodama, borovnicama, limunom i svi su bili odlični)
* Pogledajte važne napomene iznad
1. Prosijati brašna (nije obavezno ali je uvijek bolje to napraviti za blio kakve kolače jer će tijesto biti prhkije u kolačićima a mekše u biskvitima), zatim dodati sol i prah vanilije
2. Zajedno zamutiti omekšali maslac i agavin sirup, pa dodati brašnu
3. Rukama umijesiti tijesto, samo da se poveže
4. Već sam napisala da će tijesto biti dosta mekano, ali takvo treba biti. Kad se ohladi u hladnjaku će se stisnuti taman da nam bude za oblikovanje
5. Zamotati tijesto u prozirnu foliju i staviti u hladnjak na 15tak minuta
6. Za to vrijeme zagrijati pećnicu na 175 stupnjeva. Ja sam koristila ventilirani mod u mojoj Electrolux pećnici
7. Kad se tijesto rashladilo, uzimajte komadiće i oblikujte kuglice veličine manjeg oraha. Stavite ih na pleh obložen masnim papirom i lagano pritisnite prstom svaki. Moguće da će malo pucati (osobito ako idete na verziju s bademovim brašnom) ali to je ok:)
8. Napunite udubine s malo pekmeza. Meni su odlični sa pekmezom od jagoda, borovnica ili šumskog voća. Moja seka ih je radila s pekmezom od limuna i kaže da su joj bili odlični.
9. Pecite ih 13-15 minuta. Kad odozdola lagano posmeđe, gotovi su. Pazite da vam se ne prepeku jer će vam možda odozgora izgledati kao da nisu gotovi, ali jesu, čim odozdola dobiju boju.
10. Pustite ih da se ohlade i navalite 🙂
11. Dobro ohlađene čuvajte ih u zatvorenoj teglicli ili posudi i doista mogu dugo potrajati ako se uspijete suzdržati da ih odmah ne smlatite ;).
To je to 🙂 Javite kako su vam se svidjeli.
Probali, super su 🙂 Moja kombinacija je pir brašno i badem brašno (jako mljeveni badem) te marmelada od jagode (domaća). U pečenju su se jakooo raširili pa ih na plehu udaljiti da se ne zalijepe jedan za drugi. Hvala na receptu i na savjetima zamjene namirnica!! I pitanje – što mislite o zamjeni maslac – kokosovo ulje? ili bar kombinacija?
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hvala ti puno draga Tanja:)
Baš mi je drago da su dobro ispali.
Za kokosovo ulje iskreno ne znam.
Svakako namjeravam probati pa javim:)
Sve najbolje tebi i tvojoj obitelji,
Dunja Dujmović
Bok Majo,
Možeš mi molim te reći dali može kokosovo ulje umjesto maslaca?
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Draga Dunja,
Nisam probala ali namjeravam jer i mene zanima kako bi ispali:)
Dunja Dujmović
Hvala ti 😉
Hello Maja, the cookies look lovely! I will definitely try them. How much is a cup (in g)? Many thanks!
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hi! Thank you!
Cup in grams depends… 1 cup rice flour is 140g, and spelt is 125g.
That’s why I love using cups 😉
Hope you’re enjoying the holidays 🙂
Dear Maja, could you please indicate how big is the cup you are using (in ml or g)? I am not familiar with these measurements:) and find confusing info on the Internet. Thank you very much!
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hi! I use US measurements, which is 237ml for a cup, 15ml for tbsp and 5ml for teaspoon.
Hope that helps 🙂