This Super Creamy Pumpkin Soup is one of my family’s favourites. Silky smooth, thick, creamy and nourishing. It is also super quick and easy to prepare. I guess the pumpkins are one of reasons I can bare passing of Summer and coming of Fall 🙂
Do you ever define the season with food. I know I do, haha. When you say summer, besides thinking of sun and the beach, I’m thinking watermelons, peaches, berries, zucchini, aubergines, tomatoes. And when it comes to Fall, first I could get all teary because of the rain, but then I remember pumpkins, sweet potatoes, pears, apples and chestnuts, and then I suddenly feel a bit better. Is that crazy?
Back to this delicious soup…
The secret to getting the soup this creamy and smooth is adding a few tablespoons of rolled oats at the end of cooking. To explain why… Oats when cooked and blended will release their gel which will bind the components of the blended soup (veggie puree and water) into a creamy whole, simple as that. And it is also a super healthy addition since the oats will make the soup more filling and more beneficial for our digestive tract thanks to all the great fibre, soluble and insoluble.
Use Hokkaido pumpkin if you can find it where you are. I find it to be the tastiest and the best for making soups, stews and curries. AND keep the skin. It cooks perfectly, becomes as tender as the flesh in 15 minutes or so.
It is so quick to prepare. In this version it will take you 30 minutes tops and in even simpler version in which you skip sauteeing and simply place all the ingredients (besides oats and shoyu) in a pot and cook, following the rest of the recipe. So easy 😉
Here’s the recipe guys. Hope you like it as much as we do.
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Yields: 4 portions
1/2 cup minced onions
1 cup sliced carrot
4 cups cubed hokkaido pumpkin
2 garlic cloves grated or minced (optional)
4 cups of water
1/4 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
pinch of coriander seed powder
1 tsp himalayan salt
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 tbsp rolled oats
2 tbsp Shoyu or Tamari (naturally fermented soy sauce)
for garnishing: soy cream, spring onions or minced parsley, toasted pumpkin seeds, fresh basil leaves
1. Cut the pumpkin in half and remove the seeds. If you’re using Hokkaido pumpkin leave the skin. I cooks quickly and becomes as tender as the flesh. Cut it in cubes.
2. Cut the carrots into thin slices. Since we’re cooking pumpkin and carrots the same amount of time we need pumpkin in bigger chunks since it’s much softer than carrots.
3. Mince the onions and sauté them on olive oil (putting both in a cool pot and only then turning on the flame; this way you avoid the burning of the oil) with addition of spices (curry, turmeric, coriander – this makes them more fragrant).
4. When the onions are wilted and starting to catch color, add garlic if using, pumpkin, carrots, water and salt.
5. Bring it to a boil and simmer on low flame for about 15 minutes. Test the veggies for tenderness.
6. Then add rolled oats and shoyu and cook for another 3-5 minutes.
7. Add 1 tbsp of olive oil and blend until very smooth. Use a blender or an immersion blender.
8. Taste if it needs more spices or salt. If the soup is too thick, add a little bit more water and again bring to a boil.
9. Serve in bowls garnished with spring onions or parsley, toasted pumpkin seeds and soy or oat cream.
If you’re a soup lover like me, check out Spicy Lentil Curry Soup, Sweet Potato Soup or Pumpkin Ginger Chickpea Soup.
And if you like my recipes and would like not to miss the next, you can subscribe above to get notified when the next gets posted 🙂
Much love,
Maja xx
Juha od bundeve
Ova juha će vam osvojti srce. Time što je toliko jednostavno i brzo napraviti, i još više jer je prefina:)
Jako zgodna stvar u vezi bundeve je da je uvijek možete imati pri ruci jer može stajati doslovno mjesecima (negdje u špajzi ili npr. na balkonu), a skuha se za tili čas. 15ak minuta je više nego dovojno. S ovom juhicom ćete biti gotovi za pola sata, od bundeve do tanjura ili zdjelice;) Sjajno, zar ne?!
E de, tajni sastojak u ovoj juhici su zobene pahuljice. Dodajte ih u bilo koju krem juhu i dobit ćete kremastu divotu 😉 Tako jednostavno, a zakon!
Da ne dužim, evo vam recept pa probajte. Ako ima nedoumica, pišite;)
Još jedna napomena: Hokkaido bundevu ne treba guliti. Kora se skuha jednako dobro i brzo kao i meso, a u njoj je pregršt korisnih nutrijenata (osobito betakarotena). Istovremeno, bundeve su jedno o povrća koje se najmanje tretira. Odnosno, uglavnom se uopće ne šprica jer jednostavno ne treba. Zgodno je znati:)
Samo da podsjetim na mjere u receptima jer me to često pitaju. U slanim receptima nije krucijalno da se strogo držite mjera kao npr kod kolača, nego su vam samo orjentir. Naravno da uvijek možete slijediti vlastiti ukus.
1 žlica = 1 jušna žlica
1 žličica = 1 čajna žlica
1 šalica = 2.37 dl (ali je ok i 2.5 dl ali da nije prepuna;)
Ili korisite gotove mjere kao što to ja radim. Sad ih se može nabaviti na puno mjesta. Izguglajte 😉
Za ovaj recept vam je potreban.
– ili štapni mikser
– ili blender
Meni je zgodnije za juhe korisiti štapni mikser da ne moram preljevati juhu, a svejedno će biti fina i kremasta jer je sve mekano i lagano za izblendati.
Ja sam koristila svoj od Electrolux-a
Vrijeme pripreme: 30 minuta
Porcija: 4
1/2 šalica luka (1 veći)
1 šalica mrkve (1 velika ili dvije manje)
4 šalice hokaido bundeve (oko kilogram)
2 češnja češnjaka (ili češnjak u prahu – nije obvezno, meni je super i bez)
1 litra vode
2 žlice shoyu-a (prirodno fermentiranog sojinog umaka)
1/4 žličice curry praha
1/4 žličice kurkume
na vrh noža praha korijandera
1 žličica himalajske ili nerafinirane morske soli
2 žlice maslinovog ulja
3 žlice zobenih pahuljica
Sojino vrhnje, mladi luk, svježi peršin ili bosiljak, pržene bučine sjemenke za serviranje
1. Narezati povrće: na sitno luk, naribati ili sitno nasjeckati češnjak, bundevu na kocke, mrkvu na ploške.
2. Na 1 žlici maslinovog ulja ispirjati luk sa začinima (na hladnu teću staviti ulje i odmah dodati luk i tek onda staviti na vatru – važno da nam maslinovo ulje ne izgori).
3. Dodati mrkvu, bundevu, češnjak, sol i vodu – otprilike da pokrije povrće. Ako stavite puno više juha bi mogla biti prerijetka. To ne možemo popraviti a ako bude pregusta lako dodamo još vode.
4. Ako ne koristite shoyu trebat ćete još posoliti. Kad provri, smanjiti vatru i pokolopljeno kuhati 15 minuta.
5. Zatim dodati zobene pahuljice i kuhati još 3-4 min. Ugasiti i dodati još 1 žlicu maslinovog ulja. 6. Izblendati u blenderu ili sa štapnim mikserom.
7. Probati dal je dovoljno slano i začinjeno.
8. Ako je juha pregusta, dodati još malo vode i zagrijati do vrenja.
9. Servirati sa zobenim ili sojinim vrhnjem, nasjeckanim peršinom, bosiljkom ili mladim lukom, prženim bundevinim sjemenkama
Ako vam se sviđaju moji recepti, možete se subscrajbati gore. Tako ćete dobiti mail s linkom kad objavim sljedeće recepte 😉
A ako napravite juhicu, javite kako je ispala i je li vam se svidjela 🙂
Jess @choosingchia
I’m so amazed you can use oats in a soup! Looks so delicious Maya!
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hey Jess!
Thank you so much 🙂 They really make a difference and give that amazing creaminess.