Deliciously creamy, fragrant and spicy. Healthy and vegan. For dinner or lunch. Your guests will love it (maybe not tell them in advance that it’s beet ;). Perfect for colder time of year but I love having it whole year round.
Do you like beet soup? It’s one of my favorites. I’ve been often told by many that they don’t like anything really, and that the soup sounds very unappealing. But this one, it’s always been a success!! I add lots of herbs and spices to it (maybe that’s a secret) and make it really thick and creamy. Most peeps say that they can not believe how delicious it is:)
My secret to creaminess and delicious thickness is in addition of rolled oats.
When you cook them shortly and blend in the soup, they perfectly bind the ingredients in a beautiful creamy consistency. Otherwise you end up with water and veggie mash that eventually divide in a plate.
You are likely to have all the ingredients at home cause they all keep so well. I swear, sometimes I have beets in my fridge for a month and that literally do not change at all. And you’re most likely to have oats, carrots and onions, right? Ok, let’s do it!
I would love to hear from you if you try it:)
If you recreate it tag on Instagram with #deliciousandhealthybymaya @delicious_and_healthy_by_maya for a chance to be featured;)
Hrvatska verzija recepta je na dnu posta.
Preparation time: 1 hour
Yields: 4 portions
1/2 cup diced onions (1 large onion)
2 tbsp olive oil
4 medium beets, cut into small cubes
1 carrot, cubed
1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp dill
1/2 tsp curry
1/2 tsp turmeric
powdered garlic or 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic
1 tsp himalayan salt
3 cups water
2 tbsp Shoyu
1 tsp Ume su (Japanese umeboshi vinegar)
2 tbsp rolled oats
1. Prepare the veggies: dice the onions, cut the beets into pretty thin slices (they cook much longer compared to carrots so you need them in smaller bits).
2. Sautee onions on olive oil, add the veggies, herbs and spices, salt and cover with water.
3. In therms of how much water, literally just to cover the veggies. If you go overboard, the soup will be too thin and we don’t want them. It’s safer to go with less and then add more after blending, as needed.
4. Bring to a boil and cook for 40 minutes or until beets are tender.
5. Add shoyu and oats and cook for another 5 minutes.
6. Blend until very creamy, check if it needs more salt or spices.
7. Serve with cream (oat or soy) and some fresh herbs
1. soup will thicken when left standing so you might need to thin it a bit.
2. It will keep in the fridge up to three days
3. You can use liquid aminos instead of Shoyu
4. If you don’t have Ume su you can add some lemon or lime juice. I add Ume su to all my veggie meals because it beautifully brings out the flavours. It’s both salty and sour so it complements the sweetness of veggies perfectly, makes them less bland. I wholeheartedly recommend that you buy it. It’s also perfect for salad dressings, and you don’t need to add salt to them as ume is salty enough.
I have a few other delicious soups only blog so check them out! Some of my favourites are Spicy Lentil Soup and Sweet Potato Soup
And if you like what I share on my blog, please subscribe to my updates above so you’ll never miss another recipe:)
Love Maja xx
Kremasta juha od cikle s majčinom dušicom
Moja omiljena juha: definitivno od bundeve i cikle. Inače volim guste kremaste juhe. Bistre samo s puno puno povrća i uz dodatak neke žitarice poput quinoe i riže, inače ne znam što bih s njom. Mogla bih je samo popiti. Odličnu gustu juhu možete dobiti i kuhanjem amarantha ili prosa te palente s povrćem.
Najbolje povrće za juhe je slatkasto povrće poput bundeve, batata, korabice te standardno mrkva i luk. Daje puno okusa i slaže se sa svim drugim okusima.
Juha se najbolje kuha na skroz laganoj vatri s manje tekućine, osobito krem juhe. Lako na kraju dodate još vode ako treba a jednom ako je previše i juha je vodena i nedovoljno ukusna, ne možete puno napraviti. A i krem juhe je puno lakše izblendati kad su gušće.
Od začina najčešće koristim curry, čili, kurkumu, korijander, kopar i timijan. Upravo dodavanjem začina dobit ćete puno okusa (vegeta i slične stvari zabranjene su u mojoj kuhinji).
Od dodataka tj za serviranje koristim pržene sjemenke (sezam, bundeva, suncokret), sojino ili zobeno vrhnje i začinske trave, te par kapi maslinovog ili bučinog ulja, a malo zelenog i bijelog uvijek lijepo istakne boje.
Evo i recept za moju juhicu od cikle
Vrijeme pripreme: 1 sat
4 porcije
1 veća glavica luka
4 srednje cikle
1 veća mrkva
1/2 žličice timijana
1/2 žličice kopra
1/2 žličice curry praha
1/2 žličice kurkume
češnjak u prahu (ili 2 češnja svježeg češnjaka)
2 žlice prirodno fermentiranog sojina umaka
1 žličica umeboshi začina
1 žličica soli
2/3 l vode
2 žlice zobenih pahuljica
za serviranje: sojino ili zobeno vrhnje i peršin
1. Luk narežite na kockice, ciklu i mrkvu na ploške
2. Na žlici maslinova ulja popirjajte luk, dodajte mrkvu, ciklu, češnjak, začine, sol i vodu
3. Vode dolijte toliko da pokrije povrće, oko litre
4. Kad provri, smanjite vatru i kuhajte 40 min dok cikla ne omekša.
5. Zatim dodajte zobene pahuljice i kuhajte još 3-4 minute. Ugasite i dodajte žlicu maslinova ulja.
Prema potrebi dozačinite, dodajte vode ako je pregusta
6. Servirajte sa zobenim ili sojinim vrhnjem i nasjeckanim peršinom
7. Ako nemate Umeboshi začin, stavte malo limuna, al ipak vam preporučam da probate ume jer je genijalan začin. Prekrasno izvlači okuse, odnosno sve čini ukusnijim. I najboji je ocat za salate:)
Ako vam se sviđaju moji recepti, možete se subscribati na blog (gore s desne strane) pa će vam u inbox stizati obavijest samo kad objavim novi recept.
Your soup looks absolutely incredible. And such a great tip to add oats to the soup, I will definitely remember this tip, thank you!!
Sending you a big hug 🙂
Maja ∣ Delicious & Healthy by Maya
Hi Ela!
Thanks so much for dropping by sweetie 🙂 Yes, I add oats to all my blended soups!
Hugs back to you,
Maja xx